#win Little Critters Book Signed (US/CAN)

Mercer Mayer has published over 300 books using a wide range of illustrative styles, although he is probably best known for his Little Critter® and Little Monster series of books. When Mayer drew from his own childhood experiences in creating stories, he struck a chord with children and parents alike.

 In February 2013, Silver Dolphin Books will be unveiling their very first app about Little Critter—Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter: The Trip.


 Little Critter: The Trip (app icon)

The app is being developed right now by Silver Dolphin Books together with the award-winning app developer John R. Sansevere. Here’s a sneak peak at one of the scenes from the app:


Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter appeals to young readers who identify with his first-person narration of his thoughts, feelings, ideas and inspirations as he navigates the challenges of childhood. Life in Critterville mirrors the everyday experiences of children everywhere. Little Critter and his best friends Tiger and Gator love to play sports, read comics, ride skateboards and go on school field trips, out for pizza, and to the movies! And just like real-life kids, they deal with challenges, help their friends, love their pets and get annoyed by their younger siblings while striving for independence and a better understanding of their world.


Kids empathize with Little Critter and the situations he finds himself in that are so familiar to them, and laugh along at his heart-warming and ever hopeful efforts to negotiate the world. Little Critter shows that it’s all right to fail and try again, and to keep trying until you get it right. And just as importantly, have fun and laugh at themselves in the process, which is perhaps the biggest secret of all!


In Little Critter: The Trip, you will be able to take an action-packed car trip with Little Critter, Little Sister, Mom and Dad in which everything imaginable happens—literally—from A to Z, in this fun-filled interactive app! “is for bad” when the “is for tire” goes flat! And “is for lost” when where did the “is for road” go? Little Critters’ trip is full of humorous ups and downs like the actual road they’re following! It’s up to you and Little Critter to help find the way, fix the car when it breaks down, and play lots of fun “is for games” with Little Sister to pass the time! Kids learn along with Little Critter as, true to his nature, he cheers you on to scale new heights!



Giveaway time

I have the following to give to one lucky reader (US/CAN)

 Mercer Mayer autographed copy of LITTLE CRITTER’S SNOWBALL SOUP, a “My First I Can Read” book for readers ages 4 and up (paperback). 



Enter to win

  1. Leave a comment below telling me if you or your children have read the Little Critter books
  2. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook (comment below with Facebook name)
  3. Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter (leave twitter name below)
  4. Share this giveaway or tweet daily (leave url below)

Ends Feb 14

Good luck!


  1. We do have 1 Little Critters book. They love reading!
    My recent post Cleaning the Greener Way

  2. Brianne Hager says

    Yes, my children and I have read Little Critter books, we own a few and we love them.

  3. Brianne Hager says

    I like Silver Dolphin Books on Facebook (Brianne Hager)

  4. Brianne Hager says

    I follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter (@brianne_hager)

  5. Brianne Hager says
  6. Christy Martin says

    I have not heard of Little Critters books. All books are loved though!
    Facebook Name: Christy Martin
    Tweet Url: https://twitter.com/HowBoutFU/status/297142541411

  7. Angela Mitchell says

    My daughter loves Little Critter books and has several of them. They are so cute.

  8. Angela Mitchell says

    Liked Silver Dolphin on Facebook
    Angela Mitchell

  9. Angela Mitchell says

    Follow Silver Dolphin on Twitter

  10. Angela Mitchell says
  11. I have read these books with both my boys.

  12. I like Silver Dolphon on Facebook as Jennifer W.

  13. I follow on twitter as @samorjj.

  14. We have borrowed them from the library and would love the chance to win our own.

  15. My son loves reading the little critter books. It's always what he grabs for first in the library.

  16. Liked Silver Dophin on facebook
    name: Jeannie Lam

  17. followed silver dolphin on twitter
    name: nomnombearinyvr

  18. I'm not sure if my grandkids have read these books, but they look great!


  19. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook

    Anne Taylor

  20. my children enjoy reading books with little critter would like to enter the giveaway tweeted @torviewtor https://twitter.com/torviewtor/status/29716338665
    My recent post $350 Melissa & Doug Toys Giveaway

  21. Katharine W says

    Yes, my daughter loves the Little Critter books!

  22. Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter


  23. Katharine W says

    Liked Silver Dolphin on Facebook – Katharine Wong

  24. Miss R has read a couple and really liked Messy Room.

  25. Katharine W says

    Follow @SilverDolphin as @marbles999

  26. Katharine W says
  27. lizlampman says

    I grew up with Little Critter books and have about a million of them. I've been adding some of the newer ones to the collection for my daughter. LOVE Little Critter! <3
    My recent post Computer Tips for Moms: Basic Maintenance &amp; 5 Free Programs

  28. lizlampman says

    Follow Silver Dolphin on FB. Elizabeth L.
    My recent post Computer Tips for Moms: Basic Maintenance &amp; 5 Free Programs

  29. lizlampman says

    Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter
    My recent post Computer Tips for Moms: Basic Maintenance &amp; 5 Free Programs

  30. lizlampman says
  31. YES! Our boys just received a collection of the books (6 or 7 stories) for Christmas!!!!
    My recent post Madly Madagascar – Valentine's Day e-card

  32. We have a bunch of them. My kids love hte one about "Me and My Dad…"

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

    My recent post @BabyOrganicJoy is Giving Away $500*! CAN, 03/31

  33. I follow via twitter @zoojourneys

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

    My recent post @BabyOrganicJoy is Giving Away $500*! CAN, 03/31

  34. We haven't read them but would like to.

  35. I follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter (@crazyladybibs)

  36. Carole Dube says

    Yes we read the little critter, we get them at the library.

  37. Carole Dube says

    I Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook

    Carole Dube 1

  38. Carole Dube says

    I Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter

  39. Carole Dube says
  40. we love the Little Critter books. I've been buying them since long before my boys were born so they have a great collection.
    My recent post 10 Ways to Make Laundry Faster and Easier

  41. I followed on facebook – Jackie Mandzak

    My recent post 10 Ways to Make Laundry Faster and Easier

  42. I followed on twitter
    My recent post 10 Ways to Make Laundry Faster and Easier

  43. I shared to FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/184171305029588/p… (ps couldn't get twitter to work on the share link sign in for twitter)
    My recent post 10 Ways to Make Laundry Faster and Easier

  44. We have read the Little Critter books many, many times.

  45. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook: Barb Fenrich Schwab
    Following @SilverDolphin on Twitter @bfschwab
    Shared link: https://twitter.com/bfschwab/status/2972069388931

  46. I read these to my younger brothers and now my son. Love them, especially the older ones.
    My recent post Yam Skins for Superbowl Sunday {Recipe}

  47. liked Silver Dolphin on FB tennille fraser stuff
    My recent post Yam Skins for Superbowl Sunday {Recipe}

  48. Yes, we've read Little Critter books before! Love them!

  49. I Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook
    Janet Watson

  50. Shared on twitter

  51. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook: Barb Fenrich Schwab

  52. Follow @bfschwab

  53. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook: Barb Fenrich Schwab

  54. wendy rozema says

    yes, we have – my daughter loves these books!

  55. I have read little critter books

  56. I liked Silver Dolphin Books on Facebook- Sabrina Tong

  57. I followed @silverdolphin on Twitter- @beanscoupons

  58. holly messana says

    We love the little critter books!!

  59. holly messana says

    I liked silver dolphin on facebook
    holly messana

  60. holly messana says

    I follow Silver Dolphin on twitter

  61. holly messana says

    i tweeted the contest

  62. My kids, my hubby and I all love Little Critter books. We have about 8. We read them all the time. My 2 year old has a couple of them memorized. My almost five year old has them all memorized. We even have a small board book one that my 7 month old 'reads'. I used The New Potty for our potty training book.

  63. I like on facebook
    ViviAn Sluys

  64. @vivsluys follows @Silverdolphin

  65. Yes, I've read Little Critters stories with all 3 of my children.

  66. I like Silver Dolphin on FB (Rose Hertz).

  67. my kids love little critter books!

  68. My little ones love these books

  69. like Silver Dolphin on Facebook
    Suzie M

  70. follow Silver Dolphin on twitter

  71. i liked silver dolphin on Facebook- caryn salageanu

  72. i follow SilverDolphin on twitter – @carschick

  73. i tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/carschick/status/297514919174

  74. My son has my copy of Just got o bed from when I was small. everytime we go to Chapters we get a new "kitty" book as he calls it. They are so sweet and heart warming.

  75. liked on FB – michelle galante

  76. following @michellegalante

  77. Katharine W says
  78. Yes, my boys love Little Critter books!

  79. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook (Bree Janke)

  80. Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter (@freebreeluv)

  81. lizlampman says
  82. Austin Baroudi says

    My daughter can’t read yet but I read these books to her all the time!

  83. Austin Baroudi says

    Liked Silver Dolphin on Facebook as Austin Baroudi.

  84. Austin Baroudi says
  85. Shared on FB 2/2
    Janet Watson

  86. Christy Martin says
  87. Katharine W says
  88. Florence C says

    Yes my grandaughter has little critter books.

  89. Florence C says

    Like Silver Dolppphin on FB
    Florence cochrane

  90. Florence C says

    Following @SilverDolphin on twitter

  91. Carole Dube says
  92. lizlampman says
  93. Austin Baroudi says
  94. Shared on FB 2/3
    Janet Watson

  95. lizlampman says
  96. Austin Baroudi says
  97. Shared on FB 2/4
    Janet Watson

  98. nomnombearinyvr says
  99. FB share 🙂 <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm&u=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3″ target=”_blank”>https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm…” target=”_blank”>Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3

  100. Elva Roberts says

    February 4-I tweeted about this giveaway today. My user name is el03ro

  101. Elva Roberts says

    February 4-I haven't read the 'LIttle Critter' books, My children could have read them to their children.

  102. Elva Roberts says

    February 4-I liked the Silver Dolphin Books on Facebook. My user name is Elva Roberts. The link to my 'like' is : https://www.facebook.com/SilverDolphinBooks

  103. Elva Roberts says

    February 4-I followed Silver Dolphin on Twitter. user name:el03ro
    LInk: https://twitter.com/

  104. Elva Roberts says

    February 4-I shared this giveaway on Facebook. User name: Elva Roberts

  105. I grew up reading those books to my sister love those books

  106. liked Silver Dolphin on Facebook —- Tara Crawford

  107. My four children, their Mommy and their Grandma love the Little Critter books!

  108. I liked Silver Dolphin on FB: Heidi Carlson-Reid.

  109. I like Silver Dolphin on twitter: @hmrcarlson.

  110. I shared on FB: https://www..facebook.com/heidi.carlsonreid/posts/372276279536333

  111. Shared on FB 2/5
    Janet Watson

  112. nomnombearinyvr says
  113. We've read quite a few – I think the favourite was…"Just Go to Bed."

  114. holly messana says
  115. Elva Roberts says

    February 5-I tweeted the above giveaway on Twitter.-user name: el03ro

  116. Elva Roberts says

    February 5 I shared this LIttle Critter book giveaway on my Facebook. The user name is Elva Roberts and the Link is: https://www.facebook.com/Elva Roberts

  117. Austin Baroudi says
  118. We have a couple Little Critters books, but they are old. They are from my oldest kids (15 and 18 now) but my little ones (2, 4 and 5) enjoy them.

  119. I liked Silver Dolphin on facebook
    Andrea Amy

  120. Shared on FB 2/6
    Janet Watson

  121. nomnombearinyvr says
  122. I have read them, yes, they are excellent!
    My recent post Click one of the post titles above to include it at the end of your comment

  123. Elva Roberts says

    February 6-Shared this giveaway on Stumbleupon. This DVD giveaway runs until February 8 and the link is:

  124. Elva Roberts says

    February 6-Tweeted this LIttle Critters giveaway.-el03ro
    LInk: Posted to twitter
    Thanks! Your post is live.

  125. Shared on FB 2/7
    Janet Watson

  126. nomnombearinyvr says
  127. I don't know if my little cousins have read these but I did as a child. I loved them so this would be a great gift to give them.


  128. I liked Silver Dolphin on facebook

    Stephanie La Plante


  129. I follow Silver Dolphin on twitter



  130. Elva Roberts says

    February 8-Shared this giveaway on Facebook. el03ro

  131. Elva Roberts says

    February 7-Posted this tweet to twitter for 'Little Critters Book' -el03ro
    LInk:Posted to twitter
    Thanks! Your post is live.

  132. Shared on FB 2/8
    Janet Watson

  133. nomnombearinyvr says
  134. Austin Baroudi says
  135. valerie godin says

    We have read them before but we don't own any

  136. valerie godin says

    liked silver dolphin on FB – Valerie Godin

  137. valerie godin says

    following @silverdolphin on twitter – @valeriegodin

  138. valerie godin says
  139. Elva Roberts says

    February 8–Shared this Widget giveaway on Facebook-user name: Elva Roberts

  140. Elva Roberts says

    February 8-Tweeted this giveaway.User name:el03ro
    LInk: Posted to twitter
    Thanks! Your post is live
    Elva Roberts

  141. nomnombearinyvr says
  142. Shared on FB 2/9

    Janet Watson


  143. Linda Klages says

    My grandson loves these books – especially the Missing Dinosaur bone at the museum. mentioned on twitter #woodbridge49 – liked on facebook – Linda Klages

  144. Austin Baroudi says
  145. Elva Roberts says

    February 9-I shared this giveaway on Facebook-User name: Elva Roberts
    LInk: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm&u=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3″ target=”_blank”>https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm…” target=”_blank”>Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3

  146. this is great

  147. sean pynaert says

    we have not read them yet

  148. You bet, they're a classic!

  149. I've liked Siler Dolphin on FB…Toby Erin Collins

  150. I used to read them to my older kids, and our daughter is really starting to get into reading!

  151. Debbie Petch says

    My daughter loves these books!

  152. Debbie Petch says

    I liked your facebook page. Thanks.

  153. nomnombearinyvr says
  154. Shared on FB 2/10
    Janet Watson

  155. Lliked on Facebook – le peters

  156. Follow Silver Dolphin on Twitter leeper5p

  157. I read these books as a kid and my kids read them now
    My recent post Unsolved Mysteries

  158. I like silver dolphin on facebook as Jonnie JB Hartling
    My recent post Unsolved Mysteries

  159. I've never seen these books before.

  160. Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook @ Jen M

  161. Shared on FB 2/11
    Janet Watson

  162. nomnombearinyvr says
  163. Elva Roberts says

    February 11-Shared this giveaway on Facebook-el03ro
    User name: Elva Roberts
    LInk: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm&u=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3″ target=”_blank”>https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm…” target=”_blank”>Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3

  164. Austin Baroudi says
  165. We love the Little Critter Books.

  166. I Like Silver Dolphin on Facebook (Dianne G. B-T)

  167. I follow @SilverDolphin on twitter (@wowcheckitout)

  168. Shared on FB 2/12

    Janet Watson


  169. Shared on FB 2/12
    Janet Watson

  170. Elva Roberts says

    February 12-Did tweet for this LIttle Critters signed book giveawayl-el03ro
    LInk; https://twitter.com/Elva Roberts

  171. Austin Baroudi says
  172. nomnombearinyvr says
  173. Yes I use to read them as a kid and now my kids read them

  174. Liked Silver Dolphin on Facebook
    angela m

  175. I Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter

  176. daily tweet https://twitter.com/flower_child_23/status/301505

  177. I have read a couple of these books to my lil one 🙂

  178. I like Silver Dolphin on Facebook (sueboo badoo)

  179. I Follow @SilverDolphin on Twitter (@sueboobadoo)

  180. Shared on FB 2/13
    Janet Watson

  181. Christy Martin says
  182. Austin Baroudi says
  183. nomnombearinyvr says
  184. Elva Roberts says

    February 13-Shared this giveaway on Facebook, user name: Elva Roberts.LInk is: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm&u=http%3A%2F%2 Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3″ target=”_blank”>https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?src=bm…” target=”_blank”>Fwww.talesofarantingginger.com%2F2013%2F01%2Fwin-little-critters-book-signed-uscan.html&t=%23win+Little+Critters+Book+Signed+%28US%2FCAN%29&v=3
    This giveaway is over February 14.

  185. Shared on FB 2/14
    Janet Watson

  186. Christy Martin says

    Facebook: Christy Martin
    Twittter: @howboutfu

  187. nomnombearinyvr says
  188. daily tweet https://twitter.com/flower_child_23/status/302096

  189. I used to read Little Critter Books when I was younger, and I have begun reading them to my son
    I Follow on Twitter @odd_ly
    I Like on Facebook Terri O'Donnell

  190. I used to read Little Critter Books when I was younger, and I have begun reading them to my son

  191. I remember reading the Little Critter books growing up and now I get to enjoy them all over again with my two girls 🙂 Our current pick is "the new baby" which my eldest got when her sister was born

  192. I "liked" Silver Dolphin on FB (Jennifer Thornton)

  193. I "followed" Silver Dolphin on Twitter (@geeklingdesigns)


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