Kids say the Funnies tthings- Getting his "Mute" Checked out

This morning I had to go to the Dr and get some blood work done. Since it was a “fasting” test I could not eat or drink after 8PM last night. I asked hubs to drive me in and go to work late. Having the kids with me I did not want to drive home light headed. Our Dr office is 30 minutes away and DS needed to see him as well. So he and our youngest daughter came along . She did not have school today. 

During the drive we chatted as we always do. Hubs drops us off and goes to run some errands. I take the two kids in the office. The receptionist greets us and I go into see the nurse. She takes my blood and chats with DD. DD says something but feeling a bit light headed I really did not pay to much attention. 20 minutes later we go into the Drs office for DS. This was the third visit for DS to see the doc about the same problem. We waited and the Dr came in shortly after. He greeted us all and leaned don to talk to my daughter who is four. He always loves chatting with her because she is a very smiley friendly kid. He asks her

“What are you doing here?”

Her reply was 

“We are here for my brother!”

“He is here to get his MUTE checked out”

The Dr looks at me and laughs “His mute?”  I ask DD to repeat what she said and she said the same thing again.

Me “His mute? What is that? We are here for the wart on his foot”

DD “Yeah that is what I said”

LOL Not sure where she got “mute” from when we were all clearing saying wart. But it was pretty funny. I am thinking she said the same thing to the nurse, but I did not really notice.


Have your kids said something funny like this? Tell me about it.


  1. WhispersInspire says

    Hmm, I can't think of anything like that with my girls! That is hilarious though! 🙂 I think the funniest thing was when I took my then BF'ing Mimi to get her pictures done and she reached down the photographers shirt and said, "Boo, boos!" LOL!
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  2. Love this post! Too funny! Okay, we were at the doctor's office and one of the doctors had a heart sticker on his stethoscope. There was this little girl, I think maybe 5 years old and she yelled, "Look, Mommy! The doctor has a HEART ON!!!" LOL! Everyone almost died because they thought she said something else!!!
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  3. My kids have been famous for some of the things which have escaped their little mouths. So how is the mute on his foot? LOL!

  4. I can't think of anything off hand but I do agree. Kids say the cutest things 🙂

  5. Lindsay Cyr says

    LOL! That is too cute! My daughter is only 2 so I haven't had any funny experiences like this yet, but I'm sure I will within the next couple of years 🙂

  6. Lol. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, and my girls are older now, but i'm sure they've said a few crazy things!!
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  7. My toddler is just starting to get to the stage of saying cute and silly things – I say put your hands to the sky and he will quickly correct me, No mommy that is the ceiling.
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  8. My 2 (and a half) year old has recently started saying, "You look like a porcupine!" (we had a story with a boy who looked like a porcupine though so this isn't that random)
    They always have something to say 🙂

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