A Little Note about Teeth Whitening

Wearing a dull smile is very exhaustive and demotivating. Everyone deserves to possess a pearl white set of teeth that is attractive clearly expressing a person’s inner beauty. In the pursuit of whiter, brighter and a more appealing smile, teeth whitening is the solution. Whitening of teeth is the most significant cosmetic procedure that is bulging across many countries. This is a procedure that Doctor Lazare performs effortlessly at his New York clinic.

Teeth brightening is not regarded as a one-time procedure. It should be repeated regularly if at all you intend to maintain a whiter and brighter smile. In this text, we will attempt to answer the question of how often should you go for teeth whitening?

The outer layer of the teeth is known as the enamel. The natural color of teeth that is visible is created by the reflection and scattering light of the enamel. Once the light combines with the color of dentin, we get to see the pearl white glittering set of teeth.

A person’s genes directly affect the smoothness and thickness of the enamel. A thin enamel permits more color of dentin to display through. Possessing a rougher or smoother enamel also affects the reflection of light and automatically affects the final color.

Every single day as long as you eat to beat hunger, a slim coating which is referred to as pellicle is formed on the enamel and collectively picks up stains. Additionally, the enamel possesses pores that accommodate stains.

What Stains Teeth?

Use of tobacco automatically stains your teeth because of the elements that are used to make cigarettes. Intake of rich and deeply colored drinks like cola, tea, coffee, and red wine can also stain your teeth. Ignorance to give your teeth adequate health care can also make them get stained. Aging is also a factor that makes teeth resemble stained. As you age, the enamel grows thinner, and the dentin becomes darker.

According to Dr. Lazare, it’s possible for teeth to have stains inside. These stains are referred to as intrinsic stains. This form of stain is caused by too much exposure to fluoride when an individual is a minor as this is the period when the teeth are developing. Other causes of intrinsic stains are tetracycline antibiotics.

This type of antibiotic can stain a child’s growing teeth if the mother consumes during the second half of pregnancy. Children aged eight years or old can also be affected by this. Any form of trauma can also be a cause for teeth to darken since this is the developing stage of a child’s teeth. Teeth bleaching has been reported effective once carried on extrinsic stains.

People that consume dark sodas, coffee, and other dark colored beverages need to visit Dr. Lazare frequently compared to those that don’t take these foods. For all in-office teeth whitening, it’s recommended that the procedure is carried out yearly. However, touchups are required in between the months to maintain the whiteness.

Preparation of Teeth Bleaching

Other dental faults may affect the outcome of teeth brightening. If you have cavities, this may need to be treated first before the procedure is carried out as it will directly hinder the success of whitening the teeth. The whitening solution may accidentally penetrate to the inner parts of a tooth. Recede gums, and exposed roots is another fault. The bare roots may have a yellow complexion. Whitening products may fail to discolor the yellow coloring making them brighter.

Additionally, whitening when a patient has receding gums or tooth decay will worsen the situation as the teeth become extra sensitive. Whitening done at Dr.Lazare’s office is systematic. The doctor first takes pictures of the teeth. This is beneficial as it assists him in monitoring the progress of the treatment closely. At Lazare’s office, the patient has to share information on what made the teeth stain. History is essential. Afterward, the teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to get rid of the layer of food, bacteria and other foreign substances that may have built on your teeth. Once the cleaning procedure is complete, whitening commences.

There are two types of teeth bleaching procedure. The first one is vital whitening which is carried on teeth that have live nerves. The other is performed on teeth that have in the past undergone root canal treatment and no longer possess a live nerve.

When Should I Whiten my Teeth again?

Teeth protocols vary. It differs from one person to another. It depends on the teeth color and diet. What makes the difference is the stage that is applied to a particular person. There are normal maintenance and initial whitening. For whitening therapy, it’s crucial that you discuss with Dr. Lazare or your over-the-counter system. However, you will do this until you acquire your desired teeth whiteness.

Once that shade is achieved, then you will automatically fall in the maintenance category. This is where it becomes an individual willingness depending on your desired homecare, whiteness and diet. Some patients only require touch-ups every month which Dr. Lazare flawlessly performs. Other patients need to undergo whitening every week to maintain their priceless white smile.

Back at home, the over-counter treatments can be carried out daily. However, the treatment should not be carried for more than two consecutive weeks. It may make the teeth sensitive which is very painful to bare. What are the signs that you are over-whitening especially when you do OTC treatments? According to Dr. Lazare, the gum becomes inflamed, teeth sensitivity intensifies, the teeth become blue and one can see through along the edge of a tooth.


Sad enough, if these alarming signs are not reversed, the outcome can be catastrophic. Your teeth may be permanently damaged, the enamel may become slimmer and slimmer, and your gums may experience a burning sensation. Once these damages are severe, it’s challenging for the dentist to reverse the situation.

To remain on a safer side, Dr. Lazare advises patients to get their teeth cleaned and examined before whitening is carried out. Additionally, all teeth bleaching products should be correctly used. For more information contact Dr. Marc Lazare in his New York Office, NY. Find out more about NYC’s own teeth whitening expert.

The office landline is 212-861-2599, or you can also send an email to his office@drmarclazare.com so that you get all your teeth issues corrected.

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