A family gets together is when all your family members sit together to have a good time. These days, we’re all very busy and hardly get the time to spend with our family members. Most people get together during the holidays to have a good time. However, a lot of us don’t even know howContinue Reading …
Choosing to Enjoy Canadian Winters Again
If you live in Canada, you know what winter here is like. Snow, wind and very cold temperatures causing many people to want to stay indoors and hibernate until spring. You would think after all these years we would be use to our winters, but every year they seem colder and snowier. As a kidContinue Reading …
Fun NEW Winter Themes from Playmobil (Giveaway)
Winter is here in Canada and in full force! Looking outside my window I can see snow as far as my eye will go. We have been spending a lot of time this winter hitting the slopes and venturing outside enjoying the beautiful white snow. I always think it looks so pretty when the sunContinue Reading …
Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween without Going Trick or Treating
Trick or treating can be fun, especially if people deck out their houses with witches, cauldrons, spiders, and more. However, not everyone loves to walk around from house to house collecting candy and in some areas, it is not even possible to do it anyway. When I was a kid living in Calgary, we hadContinue Reading …