Five Tips for First Time Driver Prep

The following post has been brought to you by OK Tire It seemed like for many years I spent most of my days in the car. If I was not driving to school activities, play-dates or running family errands, I was taking my children to swimming, track and field or soccer. I often joked howContinue Reading …

Teaching Children the importance of giving During the Holidays

Every day there are opportunities to teach our children. As parents we are constantly being watched by them and without knowing it, our actions speak to them. A few months back we walked past a homeless man while we were shopping. The man was bundled up trying to stay warm with a small sign askingContinue Reading …

3 Staple Meals to Teach Your Kids to Cook

Teaching your children to cook is a very important skill that many parents shy away from. Whether you worry about the dangers of cooking with kids, or keep putting it off because you can’t seem to find the time, it’s important that you do it. Your children will gain independence and confidence from knowing howContinue Reading …

5 tips for Teaching your Teen to Drive

Like most teens I could not wait to get my learners permit and start driving when I turned of age. I remember just turning 16 and going down to write the test with my mom. Here in Canada you get a trial period before you can get your full license like many places, I thinkContinue Reading …

Financial Concepts to Teach Your Kids at all Stages of their Life

It’s quite unfortunate that our school system doesn’t provide our children with classes and guidance on personal financial education. I’ve heard both sides of the story and although I think we could all agree it would be a great addition to the curriculum it seems that, according to a few studies, it doesn’t seem toContinue Reading …