Before you watch another episode of Game of Thrones, watch the Sesame Parody #GameOfThrones

As we all wait to watch the much anticipated season 5 premiere of Game of Thrones, I thought it would be fun to share with you the parody Sesame street did of the show. The fun and light hearted skit pokes G rated fun at all the characters we have grown to love and hate over the last four episodes. If you are a die-hard fan you will see the references. Don’t worry it is family friendly unlike the show itself.

Hearing Grover talk to the “Mommy of dragons” is super cute!

I binge watched the first 4 seasons in just over three weeks and am looking forward to watching this one weekly. I was a bit late jumping on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. I like the story and the characters and even like the fact that nobody is safe from being slaughtered. But I could live without some of the sex scenes that seem to drag on forever. Some of the brutal gore has me turning my head as well.

Here is the trailer to this season

My favouriote characters are Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen. I hope they stay around another season!
Will you be watching?


  1. That is super funny! I love GOT but agree, the violence and sex gets to be too much. So excited for tonight!

  2. Helen Kempster says

    This is awesome!! I laughed I admit it lol

  3. hmrcarlson says

    This is too funny! I am not a Game of Thrones watcher but maybe I need to get on the band wagon!

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