Important Calendar Reminders Every Parent Should Have to Spring Forward #ChurchAndDwight

March 12th marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time – the day we welcome a much needed extra hour of sunlight after a long, dark and dreary winter! For many, this extra hour of sun, along with the warming temperatures, means that more time is spent outdoors, making it sometimes challenging for parents to stay ahead of those not-so-top-of-mind household tasks.

Important Calendar Reminders Every Parent Should Have to Spring Forward

To help you stay on track this spring and to build better habits all year long, consider placing a calendar in a high traffic area of your home – such as the kitchen or foyer – and place monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly reminders for the following tasks:

Replace toothbrushes: The Canadian Dental Association recommends you change your toothbrush every three months. Place a smiley face sticker at the start of every third month of the year to remind you to buy new brushes for your family.

Check medicine expiry dates: Remember that all medicines expire, including vitamins and supplements. To ensure your medicine cabinet is up to date, schedule a simple calendar reminder for twice a year. This will remind you to check the expiry date and re-stock, if necessary.

Change the baking soda in your fridge: Placing a box of Arm & Hammer™ Fridge-n-Freezeror Fridge Fresh™ Baking Soda in your fridge or freezer helps to eliminate odours and keeps your fridge smelling fresh. While many use this simple tip, it can be easy to forget when it’s time to replace the open box. When you purchase a new box, jot down a replacement reminder on the box for a month’s time to maintain maximum odour elimination, ensuring your food stays fresher, longer.

Keeping healthy: Simple healthy habits, such as getting all of the required amount of fruits and veggies or taking vitamins, can slip our minds during hectic days. Vitafusion™ Vitamin D is a great addition to your routine, especially during the fall and winter months, when heavy clothes and cloudy weather can inhibit the production of Vitamin D in the body. To ensure your body gets all the Vitamin D it needs try placing a reminder in your calendar at the start of the fall season to start taking a supplement.  Very few foods naturally contain this vitamin, meaning a supplement may be the best way to get your necessary intake. Known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D supports bone and teeth health – Vitafusion™ Vitamin D also comes in a delicious gummy and is the perfect alternative to a traditional hard-to-swallow pill.

Keeping a family calendar is a lifesaver for many families. What are some of your calendar reminders and tips that you think families should consider?

This post is part of the Church & Dwight ambassador program. All opinions are my own 


  1. Carole D. says

    I wish they would stop the daylight saving time. It’s so hard on me!

  2. Elizabeth Matthiesen says

    I take multivitamins to ensure that I get enough of everything – they are chewable but not gummy which I would much prefer. The children’s vitamins tasted delicious. 🙂

  3. annsentitledlife says

    Spring forward… oh how wonderful that the days are getting longer. That is a nice little list of things to do when we set the clocks forward that we can easily remember.

  4. TColeman says

    These are definitely important. Even though I love the longer days, springing forward is never easy.

  5. These are things I do forget about from time to time. I need to make sure to get my Vitamin D! It’s so important.

  6. We need to add some new baking soda to my fridge and trash barrels. I also need to change my toothbrushes.

  7. LOL on the baking soda – I just noticed mine is way old today! I need toothbrushes also – maybe I should be wishing spring forward was sooner! 😀

  8. These are great reminders. I find the time change a good time to do some of those twice a year types of chores that have to be done.

  9. Daylight savings time is the worst invention in the history of humans inventing things. Ugh!

  10. All of these are great reminders. I can’t believe it’s almost time to turn the clocks again. I wish that was never a thing.

  11. Changing out the toothbrushes when the time changes is a great idea. I always make sure I check the smoke detectors every month.

  12. Thank you so much for these useful tips and for all these great reminders! I definitely need to check a lot of things in our house for Spring!

  13. Changing the clocks to spring ahead already! Thanks for the heads up on all those things we all need reminding to change.

  14. I am looking forward to the days getting longer and warmer. These are all great reminders. I just recently went through the medicine cabinet. I like the idea of using a sticker to remind yourself about replacing toothbrushes.

  15. These are definitely important. Springing forward is never easy. So much to do!!

  16. I have to admit I’m one of those people who hate daylight savings time. It stays light here in Montana until 11 at night in the summer. I don’t think we need it

  17. I just realized today that we are changing the clocks this weekend. I am ready to lose sleep

  18. When it comes to summer, DST is definitely appreciated but it is always so difficult to make the transition with my kids.

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