MAJESTA e.z flush Test & Contest Alert #MajestaEZ

Moms think they have cleaned up every mess there is to have cleaned up over the years. I know I had thought this. Until our septic tank backed up at our old place. This was gross! By backing up it came up through the bathtub drain and was the worse thing imaginable. Turns out our septic tank was not big enough for the amount of people we had in the house. When it came time to buy a new house (that was also on a septic tank) we asked a lot of questions. When was it put in? Size of the tank? Date last pumped? All of these were important questions we did not ask before. 

We also went shopping for new toilets. Dual flushing low flow toilets were what we bought. So the kids and anyone else using them would use less water. If you flush liquid, one side flushes just liquid and uses less . Anything else, you would flush using the other side of the button. We also started being more aware of the toilet paper we were flushing down there. Often this meant single ply and rough feeling toilet paper. We had to enforce with the kids no paper towel and no tissues or wet wipes were to be flushed. We did not want to take a chance!  

Recently I was introduced to MAJESTA e.z flush toilet paper. I was happy with the initial assessment of it just looking at it and feeling it.  I may also got a bit excited at the thought of using 2 ply toilet paper again 😉 I put it to test to see how easily it breaks down compared to the leading brand. 

MAJESTA e.z flush

This test demonstrates how MAJESTA e.z flush breaks down quickly in water in comparison to another leading brand

I placed 5 squares of each roll (Majesta and leading brand) each in separate bottles. Then filled with water and let my kids shake them 5 times each. This was a lot of fun for them. Instantly the bottle with MAJESTA in it started breaking down and going cloudy. We poured the contents of the bottle out. The bottle with MAJESTA e.z flush emptied completely. Toilet paper and all. The other bottle clogged and after a while all the water emptied. But the toilet paper remained in the bottle. 

shake test


The MAJESTA e.z flush started breaking down first shake. The test results made me feel better about using MAJESTA e.z flush over the leading brand. No clogs. Broken down with ease. Poured out with no force at all. 

test results

You can do the test for yourself too! See video below 

MAJESTA e•z flush is the choice of Canada’s leading performance manufacturer of low flow and dual flush systems, American Standard. The perfect balance of softness and flush-ability, ideal for low flow and dual flush system, families with kids, homes on septic systems, cottage’s and RV’s.

Available in:

  • 2-ply Single Rolls (Packages of 4, 12, 16 and 32 rolls)
  • 2-ply Double Rolls (Packages of 8, 12, 16 and 24 rolls)
  • 2-ply MEGA Rolls (Packages of 9 and 12 rolls)
  • 2-ply BONUS Pack (12+4 Bonus Rolls)

Contest Alert

MAJESTA is hosting the $25,000 e.z Days Sweepstakes from January 1st until December 31st, 2014.  Consumers can enter daily on the contest site or Facebook for their chance to win:

  • 1 or 5 grand prizes of $3,000 shopping sprees
  • 1 of 24 monthly prizes (2 per month) of $50
  • 1 of 360 daily prizes of MAJESTA product prize packs ($25.00 in coupons)

Enter here for your chance to win- MAJESTA EZ Days Sweepstakes 

Do you have a septic system, small children or low flow toilet? Have you had issues with your current paper going down?

Disclosure: I am part of the MAJESTA e.z Day blogger program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. We have young kids and all of our toilets are low flow in our home. You don't want to know how many times we have had to run for the plunger. LOL!

    I'll have to look for this Majesta toilet paper next time at the grocery store as we are just about to start toilet training our youngest soon. If he is anything like his older sister, I expect to have a third of the roll in the toilet during the first few months of training. 😉 But at least we know it will flush easily!
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  2. This is perfect for the cottage. We have to be very aware of what we use there. Older system.

  3. I love this because it's perfect for low flush systems and any house with kids lol. Kids so easily bunch up too much toilet paper and it doesn't break down. I love the Majesta EZ Flush because it really breaks down so easily.

  4. We are on a city system so I don't often think about the toilet paper and clogging. But, I will definitely keep this in mind if we are ever somewhere that this is a problem.
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  5. Amie Gaudet says

    Wow. Thanks for the heads up on the contest, also I think we will try this TP.

  6. I just posted a review of this toilet paper too! I love it! The shake test was amazing! Definitely purchasing from now on.

    Thanks for sharing.
    My recent post #MajestaEZ Toilet Paper Review and Shake Test

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