Unstoppable Moms Raise Unstoppable Girls

This post is part of YummyMummyClub.ca‘s support of the Dove® Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls Contest. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors. Go to www.UnstoppableMoms.ca to enter by sharing how you inspire girls to reach their full potential.


I have two girls. My oldest and my youngest child are both girls. They are very unique and very different, yet very similar. My girls have a great sense of self esteem and know they are unstoppable. We always gave our girls lots of positive encouragement, support and love.  Growing up I was always self-conscious about myself and hated being a redhead and having freckles.  Until I reached high school I was often a target for bullies and singled out for looking different. When I attended secondary school I realized being unique was good. Having a quality or feature many others did not, was not weird or odd, but wonderful. Beautiful! I wish I could say this was the only issue holding me back as a child. I started developing earlier than most. My chest was an issue for me. I did not want to run or play sports. I really feel it held me be and made me feel like people were staring at me. I wish at the time I had someone supportive to tell me I was not alone.  I never ever joined in on classroom sports, gym or even dancing because of it. All these years later and now being a plus size mom to four I am more comfortable in my skin than I ever was before. I think that may come with age and experience. Did you know, 6 out of 10 girls avoid activities because they feel badly about the way they look? However, when girls have a role model at home, they are less likely to let anxiety about their looks hold them back.

Last year our oldest left home to continue her education. She moved out and started college. I believe the positive upbringing she had really helped her become an independent woman. She has a goal and knows what she wants to do and is on her way to achieving it. I am a proud mamma. She had her struggles throughout school and has overcome them. Often the hurdles we face in our younger years, help us become strong and unstoppable.

Our youngest is much younger. She is 4 years old and very full of energy. She is in her first year of school and as outgoing as she is, she is also very shy. I do not think anything will change in the way we raise her. We will continue to boost her up and support her in her choices. Encourage her to play sports, sing loud and dance like nobody is watching.  Girls can do anything! They just need the support and guidance. I think the fact that she has two older brothers who include her in everything they do helps as well.

My girls are the best of friends even with the years apart in their age. Together they are unstoppable! As a mom I feel it is my job to not only encourage my children but to help build confidence in them. I want them to embrace their unique features and embrace their differences.

I am so excited to tell you all about a great new Dove Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls contest

Dove® Unstoppable Moms for Unstoppable Girls contest encourages moms across Canada to tell their stories of unstoppability at www.UnstoppableMoms.ca for their chance to win $2,500 for herself and have $2,500 donated to help raise a girl’s self-esteem. The contest runs April 19, 2013 to June 13, 2013.

I hope some of you share your story of being an Unstoppable mom raising unstoppable girls.  It would be amazing if one of my readers won the prize

Are you an unstoppable mom? Share YOUR story about a time when you thought about quitting an activity you loved because of how you felt about your body and let them know how you think moms/role models can better support girls to participate in activities. You have until June 13, 2013 to enter. You could win $2,500 for yourself and $2,500 will be donated to help raise a girl’s self-esteem.

Check out more stories on YummyMummyClub.ca about amazing unstoppable moms: http://www.yummymummyclub.ca/family/mummy/unstoppable-moms-for-unstoppable-girls


  1. Great story, I love hearing these unstoppable mom posts. I have two girls too as well and I hope I'm raising them to believe they are amazing.
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  2. I was a chubby kid, so can totally relate to this post. I was always encourage by my parents to play sports. When I started playing ringuette and softball, I also began to lose weight. Being active is part of our family's life. It's nice to see a national company support women, girls and moms self-esteem!

  3. 1heart1family says

    Great story! i love how you over came the obstacles and feel happy with who you are. That is a big accomplishment as many girls can not achieve it! It sounds like your girls are on the right track to a positive life! Thanks for sharing your inspirational story!

  4. I love the way you talk about your daughters in this post. Your love, support and encouragement for them shines through in everything you say. Your passion for raising them in a positive environment is so important and will serve them well in the years ahead.
    Congratulations on being unstoppable!
    My recent post From Stopped to Unstoppable: How I Became an Unstoppable Mom #GirlsUnstoppable

  5. Heidi C. says

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational story! Raising two girls myself, I really appreciate your words of wisdom. I am definitely going to take the time to make sure that I work everyday to build my daughters' confidence and self-esteem.

  6. Great post Kim! I think that it's wonderful that your oldest daughter had enough confidence to move out on her own at 19 and to start her life! You must be so proud of her! And your youngest is adorable and with a mom and big sister like she has….she will certainly grow up to be unstoppable! Have a great week!
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  7. inkscrblr says

    Lovely post and I enjoy reading all of these because really we all had something that we overcame, right? It's so interesting to see everyone's stories. Raising girls is a special challenge and privilege also.
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