Do It Yourself: Herb or Vegetable Garden

I had big plans for my garden this year. First year in our new house and no garden in place. I wanted to stake it out and get it started early. However mother nature had other plans. The cooler than normal weather and rain delayed my garden. It delayed it so much that I am putting it off for the year. I am focusing on my flower beds and patio. I was sad but I need to know it will be okay. If I had planted when I first wanted to, I think I would have lost everything. Now it is too late. 

So what did I do? 

I started up some pots and planted in them. I actually started them off inside then when the plants were strong enough I took them out to eh deck. I planted some herbs, some beans and some other veggies. My four year old has been thrilled watching them grow. She loved helping me plant and get dirty while doing it. She helps me water and every day looks to see when they will be ready to pick and eat. I forgot how exciting it was to grow things in a small area. 


The above picture is beans and a squash  I may need to transplant again. Time will tell . I used organic potting soil from Pefferlaw.  There is something about planting and all the nutrients that really excites me. 

Do It Yourself: Herb or Vegetable Garden
It’s local, easy and can be done with Certified Organic soils!
No space is too small for a garden! Try your hand this spring by growing your own herb garden. Pefferlaw Peat, the gardening experts want to help you beautify your spaces by growing organic (and local) herbs, plants and flowers.With over 50 years experience in producing premium organic lawn and garden soils, Pefferlaw Peat Products will help you in all your gardening needs.

Garden with Confidence
Grow sustainable plants that are safe, healthy and bountiful. All soils are;
• Natural
• Organic
• Free of artificial additives, clay and by-products
Trusted Ten
All ten of our organic products are certified and approved for use in Organic gardening and agriculture by Pro-Cert Canada Ltd.The collection is composed of premium planting & seeding mixes, compost, manure, topsoil and black earth. Available at select Freshco, Foodland, Sobeys and Home Hardware retailers and better independent garden centres.

Now that the weather is nicer I think we will do a few more pots with veggies in them. If the weather gets cold again, I can always bring them in. But it shouldn’t, right?!?

What are you growing this year?


  1. we are growing strawberries and tomato this year. The berries have started to ripen this past week (I had my first one yesterday and it was delicious; my soon to be 3yr old stole the first ripened one when my back was turned last weekend!) Tomato should be ready mid-late July….really looking forward to it.
    I tried herbs indoors but they did not work out…..
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  2. Judy Cowan says

    We are trying to grow a few veggies this year too, have green & yellow beans, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, carrots & radish. Because of the small space we are doing it in containers so we will see what happens, hoping for at least a few edible veggies.

  3. We grow a garden every year and my daughter loves watching the seeds sprout and how fast they grow. We always start them inside but with the cold weather this spring it really through things off and I ended up having to buy plants instead LOL So far so good. Happy gardening 🙂

  4. Tara Gauthier says

    We have expanded our balcony container gardening this year. We have lettuce, beans, peas, tomatoes, beets, cucumber, peppers all started. The kids love it and I "catch" them snacking on tomatoes all summer once they are up!

  5. sylvia mollison says

    I have had the most success growing tomatoes in pots rather that in our garden. It is easier to care for them, and I am better at remembering to water them in pots!

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