The Beer Store- Recipes for the holidays #cbias

I have a big family full of kids and sports fanatics. So when the holidays hit I try to make as much food as possible without spending too much time in the kitchen. We usually do a get together weeks before Christmas, another Christmas eve, a small one Christmas day and one Boxing day. Not of of these call for the traditional holiday turkey or ham. Often it is to watch the game and open presents. Maybe have a few drinks and a laugh. Usually all pretty laid back and cheerful. So when I was asked to find a recipe that included beer for the holidays, I thought of chili right away. It is great for a group, keeps you warm and literally cooks itself. Perfect for me and my family.

The recipe itself was really easy. I found it on the Beer Store website under entertaining, Beer &  Game. I do not usually cook with beer but figured it would be fun. After all we do like to drink beer. It was kind of coll to think about holiday cooking with beer. 

irst thing I did was check out The Beer Store online and looked for a location near me. we live in a small town and we have many locations. Some big and some small. Since I knew I was taking pics, I wanted a bigger location. Se my tiny local store below. Too small and no walk in cooler. 

beer store

I decided to head over to a bigger location 30 minutes from me. I knew they had a walk in cooler and I could take my time. I also had some bottles to return. I found the location online via The Beer Store site as well. They have everything on their site. Collected my empties and headed out. We had a lot of empties.

My empties had been sitting out for a bit. See the leaves

At the store itself I was actually a bit overwhelmed. There was a lot to see and consider.  Since the recipe did not call for a specific brand I checked out the ones we usually got. There were cases and individual cans and bottles on the shelf and in the cooler. I figured grabbing beer that was already cold was my best bet.

Beer varieties

In the store there were lots of posters and displays. Holiday promos had already began and I noticed a few sales. I grabbed a twelve pack and headed home. I already had the ingredients I needed for my chili and it called for 1 bottle. So the rest was for hubs to enjoy later.

Mixing up the chili was easy and cooking it fast. Most everything I already had on hand.My family loved it and even asked for more. The complete Tailgate Chili recipe can be found at teh Beer Store site.

Empty bowl

It was a lot of fun cooking with beer. Shopping for it was a blast too. Any excuse to go to the Beer store is good with us. 

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study forCollective Bias™ #CBias #SocialFabric


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  3. Debbie White Beattie says

    The Beer store and recipes, now that’s 2 things I’d never of thought would be together but apparently they’ve got some really good recipes. Who knew !!!!!!!!

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