Strawberry Beer-rita

This Strawberry Beer-rita is a fun and unique alcoholic beverage for big celebrations or even just for a fun summer patio party.  We can’t think of anything more refreshing sounding and honestly what could be more perfect for an adult patio party than a drink with tequila and Corona.  This makes me want to head back toContinue Reading …

Revenge of the Ginger beer

If you are a redhead like me you know all too well the bullying we go through over the years. It was only recently that media started putting beautiful and smart redheads in the spotlight. Before we were always the fool, the “nerd” or the punch line. Especially ginger men, the women have been aContinue Reading …

Recipes that include Beer for St Patrick’s day

Recently I asked a bunch of people what comes to mind when they think of St Patrick’s day? The response was no surprise to me. Beer was the number 1 answer, actually green beer was. Personally I am not a beer drinker, I do have a few on occasion though. I have cooked with beer before andContinue Reading …

The Best Part of Australia? The Beer!

Heading to Australia for vacation and looking to save money when stocking the fridge with a few adult beverages? Check out The Bottle-O chain of stores while you are there. The Bottle-O has a handy guide to Australian beer to start you off with sampling something local. There are some you may have heard of like Foster’sContinue Reading …

Molson Canadian Cider (Ontario & Nova Scotia) Tasty Fall #MolsonCanadian

When it comes to beverages I am guilty of drinking the same thing over and over. I always want to try something new, but am never sure if I should give it a try. Usually, I am happy I did. My husband is a beer drinker and has always been. I enjoy a beer everyContinue Reading …

The Beer Store- Recipes for the holidays #cbias

I have a big family full of kids and sports fanatics. So when the holidays hit I try to make as much food as possible without spending too much time in the kitchen. We usually do a get together weeks before Christmas, another Christmas eve, a small one Christmas day and one Boxing day. Not of ofContinue Reading …