ATTITUDE Household Cleaning Products Review & Giveaway

attitude pack

Bio Spectra, the Montreal-based producer and distributor of ATTITUDE, is offering consumers a Canadian-made alternative to existing cleaning products that is guaranteed free of any known cancer-causing chemicals. The newly expanded collection features effective laundry, kitchen and bathroom surface cleaners with ingredients from renewable and vegetable sources that are also easily biodegradable and non-toxic.

ATTITUDE introduces new products such as a Fruit & Vegetable Wash, Fabric Refresher and Foaming Hand Soaps. Well on its way to becoming a must in every kitchen, ATTITUDE Fruit & Vegetable Wash isa natural, effective way to remove residues from handling, pesticides, waxes and other contaminants. ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Wash comes in new Green Apple & Basil and Coriander & Olive scents. The ATTITUDE Fabric Refresher eliminates lingering smells in clothing, linens and around the house with a plant derived odour absorber.

The affordable collection ranges from $2.99-$10.99 and can be found at many retailers including supermarkets, drugstores and health food stores across Canada. All products can be ordered directly from the online boutique at

foaming hand soap


I have never claimed to be a “green” blogger or mom. However I do try to make every effort to make the right decision for my family and my planet when I can. Often little choices make the biggest difference. Recently I was introduced to ATTITUDE Household cleaning products. ATTITUDE has a large line of products that are not tested on animals. ATTITUDE is manufactured using 100% renewable energy and they plant trees to compensate their inevitable greenhouse gas emissions. 



Their products smell great and get the job done! The labels are adorable and have pictures of animals on them to represent their love for the environment. These Canadian made products contain ingredients from renewable and vegetable sources that are biodegradable and non-toxic. 

I was sent a great selection of products to try out. The products are laundry detergent, 4 different spray cleaners (fruit and vegetable wash, fabric refresher, bathroom and all purpose cleaner)  , 2 hand soaps and dishwashing liquid. The cleaners have a citrus scent and the soaps smelled fruity. But the rest were scent free. Using them was great! Results were what I needed and it felt good to know I was not harming my family or the environment using them. I find their prices to be on target with the competitors as well. If you sign up to become a member, you can save 50%. You can sign up for a free 90 day trial and then it is only $5/month after that. 

Connect with ATTITUDE online on Twitter and Facebook 

Giveaway time!

I have a fabulous prize pack for one of my readers (Canada) One of you will win a pack of ATTITUDE Products just like the one I received above. Fill out the form below for your chance to win. Good luck! 

Disclosure- I received the above mentioned product for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own and not influenced in any way 


  1. I recycle everything , buy mostly second hand things. I use a compost. Try to buy items with minimal packaging or in bulk.

  2. sarah sar says

    I am trying to make the transition to "going green" by using products that are free of harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment and my family. I also reuse, reduce and recycle.

  3. Marina Mikhaylova says

    We recycle garbage, use eco household cleaning products, try buy organic products.

  4. Crystal Englot says

    We love to upcycle! My husband and I actually just finished building a custom office workstation for me, which we used old kitchen base cupboards to build the base of the workstation 🙂

  5. Dayna Wilson says

    We recycle everything that we are able to, and we really almost exclusively wear second hand clothes.

  6. We recycle, and I have started composting this year.

  7. Kayla Gilbert says

    I try to use "green" cleaning products and try to recycle what I can. I always use reusable water bottles instead of the plastic ones.

  8. nicolthepickle says

    We compost, and can a lot.

  9. Vesper1931 says

    we recycle as much as is possible and always have, and compost what we can.

  10. Kim Tanti says

    I ride my bike and walk.I recycle. never throw garbage on the ground and give people heck when I see them do it.

  11. Suzanne Giroux says

    I recycle everything I can plus I try to buy chemical free products and I also shop at Value Village.

  12. Erika Birrell says

    I buy any products that are eco friendly, we recycle, we compost and we try to save as much water as we can!

  13. Karen E. Hill says

    Recyling, composting scraps, hanging laundry out to dry, using vinegar and water to clean windows, using rainwater to water plants. Reusing coffee and tea grounds and egg shells to fertilize the garden,

  14. Judy C (Judy Cowan) says

    We recycle and try to use natural, eco-friendly cleaners.

  15. We purchased a rain barrel to catch water for our garden.

  16. Darlene Demell says

    We have been recycling now for years and we do our best to use eco-friendly products as often as possible.

  17. Shelley N says

    We have 2 rainbarrels for watering the garden, a composter, recycling bins, energy efficient light bulbs, energy efficient appliances

  18. Jeannie Lam says

    We have started composting this year. We are cloth diaper users too.

  19. kathy downey says

    We are composting and recycling

  20. If we have to buy packaged foods, we try to make sure the packaging is either recyclable or biodegradable..

  21. Florence C says

    We recycle and compost.

  22. Cheryl Grandy says

    I recycle, compost, or reuse as much as I can. I donate gently used items I don't need to charities rather than throwing them in the landfill, and I try not to buy things that I don't need.

  23. We recycle and compost

  24. Stephanie LaPlante says

    We use eco-friendly lightbulbs, turn our heat down at night and recycle absolutely everything we can.

  25. Monique L.S. says

    I have been trying to use natural products when cleaning the house. Seems much more important now that we have a baby. We use tupperware for lunches and leftovers.

  26. Elizabeth Matthiesen says

    I recycle as much as possible, give items I no longer need to a charity shop for resale, and collect compost. I also buy a fair amount at charity shops/second hand stores. I'm disappointed that glass doesn't seem to get recycled and that batteries are just dumped in the garbage.

  27. Tannis F. says

    I bought a Hybrid in 2013!!!! Love it!!!!

  28. We use tupperware instead of baggies and grow our own veggies 🙂

  29. I compost, recycle, grow my own veggies. We're going to be getting a couple of goats, and I'll have a try at making soap and goat cheese! :o)

  30. mistygrl70 says

    We walk everywhere. We are currently checking out natural beauty products.

  31. We have tried to switch to more natural products and ones with less packaging too!

  32. I use natural products such as vinegar to do my cleaning.

  33. Angela Mitchell says

    We recycle everything we can including batteries. We use reusable bags at the store and I compost and garden at home.

  34. I recycle, compost, walk , grow my own veggies … trying to be green.

  35. Liz Beaton says

    I bike everyday, multiple times a day to get everywhere I need to be.

  36. Making our own moss killer and lawn fertilizer this year as apposed to buying a bunch of chemicals to dump on our lawn. It will be safer for all the pets in the area. Also recycle as much as possible and donate or repurpose old clothing and no longer needed stuff.

  37. hmrcarlson says

    We recycle, have a large garden and work on decreasing our power use.

  38. Gizele Farris says

    I try to stay away from harmful chemicals.

  39. We recycle as much as we can, and have started to use natural stuff like lemons and vinegar and baking soda to clean up around the house!
    My recent post Two Paws Up for Catpods Kitty Pucks! (Review + #Giveaway)

  40. lyndac1968 says

    I recycle and I also started to buy green products, every little bit helps

  41. dorcontest says

    We do not used bottled water and I use rags instead of paper towels.

  42. Any time I have an option to buy a green product I do – even if it costs a bit more

  43. We are careful what detergents we buy now and always grab the eco ones

  44. I try to recycle as much as I can and encourage my kids to do the same.

  45. I recycle mostly.

  46. julie bolduc says

    We use a laundry eco ball and we recycle

  47. i compost, recycle as much as possible

  48. I compost

  49. Carol M (Lushka S) says

    Recycle everything I can, group errands for fewer car trips, buy second hand

  50. Jennifer L. says

    I recycle, try to buy used things, make my own natural cleaning products and buy things with as little packaging as possible.

  51. Victoria Ess says

    I try to use DIY home made cleaning products when possible, and these are all environmentally friendly.

  52. andrea amy says

    No vehicle, so I walk where I can, transit if I have to. I do have to take a taxi once a week for groceries because I can't carry those home lol. We recycle, we reuse, and I try to use products that are better for the environment (those without chemicals etc)

  53. Maegan Morin says

    We walk as much as we can, recycle and try our best to use as little water as possible.

  54. Brenda Penton says

    We swapped out all the regular bulbs in the house for LED bulbs. I make a lot of my own household cleansers and I recycle.

  55. We compost everything possible and dig it into our vegetable patch, I also walk everywhere possible!

  56. We recycle everything that can be recycled

  57. I make more home cleaners and try to spread the "green" word.

  58. Barbara Hutcheson says

    ******i ride my bike as often as I can, I walk everyday. We always recycle.******

  59. kristen v says

    we recycle and use products that do not have any harsh chemicals in them. we watch our water consumption and we try to not use as much electricity

  60. Lee-Ann S says

    We use more natural cleaning products, that I often make on my own.

  61. Karin Dollery says

    I take puplic transit rather than driving the car, I do not do laundry during peaks hours and wash my clothes in cold water always. I recycle as much as possible in my area. I do not litter.

  62. wendy Hutton says

    I recycle, I grow my own vegetables, I use green cleaners

  63. I am trying to compost as much as possible and have started a vegetable garden.
    My recent post Bunny Angel Welcome Painting by LeeArt

  64. we recycle-reuse most everything-compost and buy in bulk to reduce all the extra packaging

  65. melanie borhi says

    use less plastic bags and more eco friendly green based bags, also use eco-friendly laundry products and cleaning products.

  66. Holly Wright says

    I use eco friendly products for beauty and cleaning!

  67. increasing recycling, reducing taking the car – walking or talking mass transit instead. thanks

  68. We recycle/compost everything we can, use cloth diapers/wipes and hubby is on board to do reusable paper towels

  69. Recycle & we make our own laundry detergent

  70. Sold my car and take public transit.

  71. Crystal Borrill says

    I am trying to be more eco friendly by choosing products that do not contain harsh chemicals and are eco friendly.

  72. We recycle all that we can.

  73. Ooops made a mistake in "Visiting the Sponsor's site" category…I'd like to also try this: BODY WASH – Soothing.

  74. Lori Bazan says

    We always recycle and reuse items. We also have a compost!

  75. Anu Chopra says

    I try to recycle as much as possible and control my energy use at home. I also donate any unwanted or used items instead of throwing them out.

  76. Sarah Stickney says

    we try not to use too much electricity

  77. trying to buy more enviromentally friendly products

  78. Karen Hayes says

    Since we got a puppy, we are trying not to use cleaning products that could make him sick or uncomfortable.

  79. we're starting to recycle. i know, a little late to that party, but late is better than never or so they say. We use our green bin too, though i'd love to start a compost pile and a garden in the yard.

  80. we recycle, bike or take transit whenever possible

  81. Jennifer P. says

    We recycle everything we can, use eco-friendly cleaners, and walk as much as possible.

  82. I recycle and reuse. I also use the most power to run my appliances during off peak hours.

  83. Maryam sami says

    By walking and help recycle

  84. I am trying to buy more natural products as well as green-friendly!

  85. Patrick Siu says

    i recycle every thing i can

  86. I am trying to become more eco-friendly by using cleaning products with fewer chemicals, or at least chemicals that are bio-degradable

  87. we compost

  88. their green apple and basil dishwashing liquid looks nice

  89. Elva Roberts says

    I am trying to be more eco-friendly by; washing clothes in cold water, all year round; hanging clothes out on the clothesline to dry when weather permits; I reduce, reuse and recycle. I am very aware of my carbon footprint.

  90. I use eco cleaning products when possible!

  91. I compost everything I can and try to use mostly vinegar for cleaning.

  92. We recycle, donate too small clothing, use energy efficient lighting, use a programmable thermostat and use light timers for external lights.

  93. We recycle as much as we can and avoid products that are not environmentally friendly.

  94. Im doing everything I can to use less plastic in our home.

  95. Amy Heffernan says


  96. Teresa Claire says

    I have been making my own cleaners for over a year now.

  97. We are hardcore composters!

  98. elaine bolduc says

    i recycle everything. and I try to make my own household cleaners. I use plastic reusable containers. I love to recycle. it makes me feel good

  99. Saver Sara says

    We use reusable lunch containers and bags.

  100. i am vegan

  101. we don't get our groceries in plastic bags any more – we use bins or totes for our groceries.

  102. holly ogorman says

    I do some recycling, not enough though, and I teach my daughter about littler, and we often pick up garbage while we're out.

  103. Rhonda W G. says

    I refuse to buy bottled water and wash our laundry in cold water for a start…
    via Rhonda W G.

  104. Growing my own fruit and vegetables.

  105. Cheryl Grandy says

    Is the Rafflecopter working right? – I couldn't share using the Google + icon, and there is no total for my entries.

  106. Ronald G says

    I always bring canvas bags when I shop so that they do not use the plastic ones

  107. Kristi Renout says

    We recycle, compost, and try to reuse what we can for arts and crafts instead of throwing things away.

  108. Elaine Buonsante says

    We recycle and reuse, walk to local markets for fresh local produce and are slowly transitioning to green cleaners.

  109. karen petrychko says


    I am totally into recycling as much as our community allows

  110. Wanda Muise says

    I recycle everything , I car pool and try to limit my carbon footprint. We compost and have rain barrels to water our vegetables. I use natural cleaners with no harsh chemicals and try to buy eco friendly products.

  111. love eco friendly products

  112. marcusbarnes says

    I eat a plant based diet. Thank you!

  113. I always try to find the most eco friendly ways of doing things, and products that are eco friendly but still work. I also try not to buy products with over packaging
    My recent post NEWS FLASH! Yours truly @CantonCathy is officially a @PTPA Blogaholic! #Parenting #Products #Conversation

  114. Susanne McCarthy says

    We recycle & compost!

  115. Brandee H says

    I dont use anything disposable. It makes a big difference in the waste we produce.

  116. We recycle and walk or bike as much as possible.

  117. We try to pack leftovers in recycle containers, we grow our own vegetables.

  118. i recycle and walk everywhere.

  119. Sherry K says

    I am looking for better products and using them, even if they cost a little more right now. It is going to make a difference.

  120. Agnes O. says

    I've used cloth diapers and I try to re-use as much stuff as I can.

  121. Kateryna K says

    I care about the environment for generations to come 🙂

  122. cottagebunny says

    I recycle reduce and reuse all the time.Thanks for a chance to win.

  123. washing most laundry in cold water and hanging to dry when sunny outside!

  124. I've become a big proponent of recycling!

  125. Christy Martin says

    We just got our dryer vent professionally cleaned out. Now clothes dry faster and we are also saving a bit on our monthly bill. I also tend to hang clothes when possible.

  126. Christy Martin says

    I would also love to try the 100% MINERAL SUNSCREEN – SPF 30 (Kids section).

  127. We are using a lot more natural products every day. For example, we are using white vinegar instead of fabric softener.

  128. Ronald G says

    I separate garbage and recycle whenever possible

  129. natasha Severson says

    We recycle everything we can, turn off power all i can, and whenever possible buy green products!

  130. Rose Holloway says

    Using more green products and home made cleaning solutions

  131. We recycle and re-use and compost all the time.I love using all natural cleaning products too.

  132. Lorrie Coleman says

    I walk & always recycle I get really upset when I see people who don't recycle

  133. Jessica C says

    I am trying to recycle

  134. dawn rader says

    we recycle pretty much everything possible. we try to conserve energy doing laundry and such at only off peak times.

  135. I would like to enter the giveaway


  1. […] Giveaway Entry Link Prize: A pack of Attitude cleaning products, pictured above. Country restrictions: Canada only. End date: 16 May, 2014 4:59am. […]


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