Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Last week I was out for the count! I am usually pretty lucky when it comes to germs and viruses *knock on wood* Having four children I am exposed to all kinds of things and like to think my immune system can fight most things off. Until last week, I was sicker than I have been for years.

A few weeks back both my boys had a virus and missed over a week of school. The following week little one had a bad cough and one day that was pretty rough. She too ended up missing a week of school. It was just a matter of time before it came to me. 

Early last week I was over heating like we had the furnace on or something. But we did not. Headache, sweats and then a scratchy throat. Next day I developed a cough and body aches but still was able to go about my business and day. 

The next day, I could not even get out of bed. I had no energy, I had a fever and was super whiny. My teens made a point of telling me they knew I was really sick because “Mom never complains about being sick”  They along with hubs took care of the house, took care of me and little one. The next day was pretty much the same. 

I hate being sick! One night I could not sleep. Every time I laid down I would cough. Coughing is no fun as is. But add int he fact that my body carried four babies and I was having to run tot he bathroom to be kind to my bladder more than I liked. For days I only drank tea, ginger ale and took cold and flu pills. 

I am still not 100 % but at least I am on the mend. This was the worst I have felt in years! I am officially sick and tired of being sick and tired!

The first day I was on the mend I cleaned my house, the kitchen, bathroom and all surfaces. I was determined to get the germs away. I have been taking my vitamins and changed my toothbrush. They say your tooth brush should be changed every three months and after being sick. So I did just that 🙂

I really hope I am not sick like this again. It was really rough. No energy and feeling crappy is bad enough. But add in the whining and my family put up with a lot from me.

On the upside, I caught up on all my shows on Netflix LOL

Have you been sick lately? What is your go to solution to get better quick?


  1. Doris Calvert says

    I am sick everyday, no cold or flubut pain, eye sight or energy, 8 months now! It really sucks! Glad your on the mend.

  2. My daughter always got sick even had Phenomonia3x. I finally got her on PEARLS from the health food store.WOW.She has been great.That was 2yrs. Ago. I am about to start chemo so We are all on the pearls so nobody gets sick.Every one should get them. 1month supply. We got 3month supply so we aLL could have 1month each.cheaper.

  3. I had the same flu bug as you three weeks ago. Unfortunately, I felt draggy for almost two weeks.
    Hope you're feeling perky soon.

  4. nicolthepickle says

    Aww, feel better soon. It's no fun being so sick.

  5. I totally get how you feel. I have been fighting something that my kids brought home as the sniffles and then I got it really bad.
    My recent post Halloween at Our House #TargetTrickorTweet

  6. nenasinclair says

    I'm happy to hear that you're on the mend! I haven't been sick this year, but there's an awful lot of colds and flu going around! I got the flu shot, but even then, I seem to get at least one or 2 cases of the flu every year!

  7. I'm hearing about a lot of people coming down with some sort of virus. Luckily, nothing for me so far…."Knock on wood."

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