Spring Cleaning Success Tips with Giveaway #PGMom

The arrival of spring often means a change in our routine as we break out of the winter blues and begin soaking-up the sun and enjoying warmer weather again!

Spring Cleaning As we bid farewell to winter, we welcome the next season with an important family tradition—spring cleaning! With the kids no longer tracking in slush on their boots, we can celebrate packing away bulky snow suits and store them away for next winter.

My week has been filled with dry mud on kids boots and wet muddy dog prints being left on my floors. I am very thankful that I am well stocked in cleaning supplies. I am unsure why, but laundry soap makes me happy. The thought of it getting my families clothes clean and the smell puts a smile on my face.

Here are my 5 tips for Spring Cleaning success 

Reduce, reuse and recycle 

When you start your cleaning set 3 boxes or bags aside. Anything you do not use can be placed in one of the boxes. Mark one as trash, one as donate and one as reuse. Often ripped clothes can be used as rags or for crafts. Same goes for toys and games, parts may be usable even if others are missing and broken. As you go through each room your clutter will become less and less and you will be helping others in your community. You may even get some craft supplies with the findings if you are creative 🙂

Make a plan

I usually do a room a day. I start it and do not finish another until it is done. The feeling of one complete room being cleaned is better than looking at a house with a little done here and there. It actually appears more of a mess that way. I also like to work from the inside out. Bathrooms, then bedrooms and closets, kitchen then basement and then the outside. Be sure to stock up on your cleaning supplies and know your curbside pickup days for leaves and brush removal.

Delegate and get the family involved

There is nothing more stressful than tackling a job and having the kids come along behind you and mess it up. So, get them involved. Assign age appropriate jobs for each. The older kids can sort and clean and carry large items out to the curb. While the younger ones may be better suited for smaller task but still as valuable. I find when they are involved they are less likely to come along and mess it up. They appreciate the work it takes to clean and organize the home and yard.

Open your windows

Well not today, we have snow. But when the sun is shining and the temperatures are up, open your windows. Let the fresh air and sun in. It is amazing how this will make you feel. Air out your home and get rid of the winter funk.

Freshen up your home with scents

No matter what you prefer, light scents or floral, outdoorsy or spicy Febreze has you covered. people associate scent with feelings, myself I can agree with this. There are smells that remind me of my grandma and others that take me back to the time I spent on the beaches of Hawaii. So use scents in your home o freshen the air and create a mood. Get rid of the wet, stinky closed up smell winter left behind and enjoy the Spring! These discrete products can be placed in any room or closet to meet your various needs.



I have been using this bundle above while etting my home in order for the warmer weather. I love the quality of these products and my home is clean and fresh!

giveaway time

I have a great Spring Cleaning themed prize pack for one lucky Canadian. Fill out the form below for your chance

Total Retail Value: $60

    • Tide Liquid Detergent – $9.99
    • Febreze Noticeables – $6.99
    • Febreze Ait Effects – $4.00
    • Febreze Set & Refresh – $4.99
    • Febreze Noticeables Dual Oil Warmer – $5.99
    • Swiffer 360 Duster Extender Kit – $14.99
    • Puffs Basic Tissue – $9.99

Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom/mamanP&G. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. my spring cleaning tip is to make a list, don't do it all in ome day

  2. What I do is pretty much what you posted as your tips already. So I guess my tip is, when in a pinch use liquid soap and vinegar as a cleaner.Works great.

  3. I use vinegar and water to clean my windows.

  4. edmontonjb says

    My tip is to wash walls and windows from the top down to avoid streaks and drips


  5. Dayna Wilson says

    Washing your windows with plain coffee filters with leave them perfectly streak free.

  6. Wendy Hutton says

    I do one room at a time, washing wall and then the windows

  7. do one room at a time and use vinegar as a cleaner

  8. Vesper1931 says

    Do one room at time

  9. lyndac1968 says

    Start at the top and work your way down and do one room at a time, no need to get over whelmed

  10. make a list and stick to it. thanks

  11. Don't move on to a new spot but finish where you are cleaning completely first.

  12. erin mcsweeney says

    Don't think about the big picture and get overwhelmed, choose one area and complete it, then move on

  13. Lisa Neutel says

    i spring clean one room at a time

  14. Karry Knisley says

    Use newspaper to clean windows and mirrors…cause less streaks

  15. Doris Calvert says

    Never wash windows when it's sunny it will leave streaks, use sumlight and water with a squeegee.,perfection

  16. hmrcarlson says

    Start at one end of room and clean as you go so as to not overwhelm yourself.

  17. Jeannie Lam says

    My tip is to dust before vacuuming. I also usually pick one room to focus on each weekend. Too much at one time will exhaust you and will be frustrating too.

  18. Angela L. says

    My tip is don't bother if you have more than 1 kid under 5 in your house!

  19. prairiebelle says

    when cleaning glass I use newspaper instead of paper towels or a cloth. You end up with no streaking

  20. Darlene Demell says

    My tip is to start in one room and finish it before moving to another one.

  21. holly ogorman says

    If you have things that need to sit, spray them first, like the tub/sink/toilet, do another room, then come back to it and things will lift off much easier.

  22. Start with the big jobs to get them out of the way first. the smaller jobs matter less and can be squeezed in later or in between other chores.

  23. If you don't use it toss it out, or donate it get rid of clutter.

  24. SweetPanda says

    Only clean one section at at time and do not set goal like have to finish cleaning in a day or in a weekend. Just take it easy and do what you can

  25. Clean your least favorite rooms first since these take more effort.

  26. Kim Tanti says

    I start with the back of the house and clean forward. Then I get to the windows as soon as the weather warms up because they are driving me crazy they are so dirty. I live up north and it is to cold outside to get to them now.

  27. Florence Cochrane says

    Getting all the winter clothes washed and put away until the next season.

  28. My tip is to make your own glass cleaner with a mixture of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. It works great for mirrors and windows.

  29. Use a sponge Bee Mop to clean your walls.

  30. Cheryl Almas says

    wash windows with vinegar and water

  31. Don't forget to clear out the lint trap of a dryer if you have one! It's a task some people forget and not doing so can affect how well your dryer does its job.

  32. butterflyamyc says

    Clean one room at a time.

  33. Carol Denny says

    Start with 1 room at a time.

  34. My spring cleaning tip is to hire someone else to do the jobs you despise doing.

  35. Victoria Ess says

    Don't take it on alone!

  36. Carol M (Lushka S) says

    When washing windows, use newspapers to dry and shine.

  37. lynnbeanie23 says


  38. julielaura1 says

    I use Vinegar and water to clean all glass surfaces and tiles

  39. Robyn Bellefleur says

    When washing your windows, take down and wash your drapes as well for a freshness in your room.

  40. do one room a day,,so you dont over-do it!

  41. Judy Cowan says

    My tip is to start early before the weather gets nice, it is hard to be stuck in cleaning when it is nice out! I also start at the ceiling and work down.

  42. Treen Goodwin says

    i use water and vinegar to clean everything in my house , the house smells awesome when done 🙂

  43. Do one room at a time – don't get overwhelmed! (and put the kids in a different room)

  44. nicolthepickle says

    Try not to do too much ate once.

  45. Susan Patterson says

    Start making a list and try to do a least one thing a day (this advice is for seniors) and it will eventually get done- Thanks!

  46. LILLIAN BROWN says

    Start at the top and work your way down and do one room at a time

  47. Put on good music to keep going!

  48. Dwayne Taylor says

    wash your windows with black and white newspaper…..it leaves a great shine .

  49. Deanna Barkley says

    Wash walls and windows from the top down and use newspaper to clean windows and make them sparkle.

  50. Juliee Fitze says

    Do one room at a time . Top to bottom .

  51. clean as you go

  52. Catherine Cole says

    Start and finish one room at a time

  53. Margaret A MacKenzie says

    My tip is to remove your blinds or curtains, when washing windows and clean or wash them at the same time. Everything done all at once.

  54. Brenda Penton says

    Multitask. I have the laundry going while you take on one room at a time.

  55. Do one room at a time


    do one room at a time and declutter each room

  57. work room by room and don't leave until you are completely finished

  58. Old t-shirts can be ripped up and made into great lint free, soft cleaning rags.

  59. I use dishwashing soap to clean my washing machine. I run a cycle of hot water.

  60. pigzthatfly says

    My tip is to make a schedule for everything that needs to be cleaned and break up the difficult parts!

  61. My tip is to get the kids to help-make them a list -they get to pick what order to work on the list -crossing things off as they go.

  62. aarone mawdsley says

    use vinegar as a cleanser

  63. Holly Wright says

    Make a good list… work your way down the list and dont skip any steps!

  64. Sarah Stickney says

    have a place for everythhing

  65. kathy downey says

    Start cleaning from the top to the bottom donate anything not being used anymore

  66. My cleaning tip is to use old clean socks for using as rags.
    Also, make a list of things to clean.

  67. I start out with cleaning all the bedding and putting it away in my cedar hope chest til the fall …. then I do fun stuff like the yard, nothing like the hope of flowers

  68. Make a list of all that needs doing, divide it by twelve and do each months worth then you don't have to have the big spring cleaning push.

  69. jessica eapen says

    make a checklist first =)

  70. We open all the windows to lessen cleaning products smell!

  71. Lori Bazan says

    Vinegar and baking soda can go a long way! Open the windows and let the fresh air in!

  72. truckerofbc says

    we always clean up our yard for spring and mow the lawn.

  73. Best tip is to focus on one room at a time

  74. mommakoala says

    I have to pace myself. I tend to bite off more than I can chew.

  75. Do one room at a time and take a break so you don't start to feel overwhelmed.

  76. SueSueper Sue says

    My favorite is to open up the windows and freshen up the house with fresh air.

  77. Focus on one room at a time, or it will get overwhelming

  78. Get your mom to help you.

  79. My one spring cleaning tip is to stick to one room at a time, so I dont get overwhelmed and have a bunch of different things on the go. And having the windows open for fresh air! Nothing smells cleaner than crisp, fresh air!

  80. do 1 room at a time

  81. Jenn Andrews says

    My tip is to declutter everywhere, if it doesnt make u money or u dont use it everyday, GET RID OF!!

  82. Start with your windows first. It makes everything bright and I find it motivating.

  83. Start early so it isn't so overwhelming.

  84. Use newspaper and vinegar and water to wash your windows!

  85. Make piles and do one area at a time

  86. Julie Bolduc says

    Clean the windows with a soapy mop and then spray clean

  87. Make a list of items that you need to do and do one at a time

  88. Make a goal to clean a specific area of the house

  89. Wanda Bergman says

    Start your spring cleaning by doing all the windows first. You can then open them wide and get to the rest of your cleaning.

  90. Sunshine G says

    We clean from the top down.

  91. Go from room to room – easier and you know you've done the job!

  92. Elizabeth Matthiesen says

    vinegar, a drop or two of dish soap mixed in warm water for washing windows inside and outside. Cleans them beautifully.

  93. beewbedard says

    we dont try to do it all in just one weekend

  94. Silvia D says

    when washing walls start at the top and work downwards

  95. Keep the used dryer sheets to clean things around the house. They are abrasive enough to clean tough dirt, but gentle on most surfaces. I use these to clean stains on tile, dust on baseboards and wipe down my sink after doing the dishes.

  96. I like to use newspapers to clean the windows, they are streak free with no lint.

  97. Erica Seaman says

    Stay up on weekly cleaning so that it's not overwhelming to try doing it all at once.

  98. Don't beat yourself out try to get it all done in 1 day – spread it out so you still have time for yourself every day.

  99. Brenda Lacourciere says

    I like to wash my windows with vinegar.

  100. I work from the inner most rooms outwards

  101. Take your time do one thing at a time and take breaks.

  102. Jennifer P. says

    My tip is to start from the top and work your way down – e.g. do blinds, windows, then sills, then any lower furniture, then floors – so that as the dust/dirt etc falls you can easily clean it on the next level, rather than having to go "back up" and redo levels later.

  103. I attack one room a day to break down the workload

  104. turn the music on and start with one room

  105. Mine is do so much at a time, and go enjoy the spring fresh air some too!

  106. Anna Johnson says

    Start small so I don't get overwhelmed oh and have my family help 🙂

  107. kristineewald says

    We decided to start with the bottom to the top

  108. Nancy Giese says

    I use gravity to help me – I start at the top and work my way down

  109. Use vinegar to clean windows

  110. Have a plan.

  111. My tip is to tackle one room at a time!

  112. play fun music – it makes the cleaning more enjoyable!

  113. make a todo list and start from top to bottom

  114. Clean in one hour blocks of time

  115. One room at a time, start at the top and work your way down.

  116. Nate Fuller says

    Get the kids involved, they helped make the mess so they should learn how to clean it!

  117. Tackle one area/room at a time. It can be overwhelming if you do a bit in each room at the same time.

  118. Theresa Black says

    My tip would be to make a list of all the jobs that need to be done and a good play list of music to get your self motivated and in the mood.

  119. @lindaw_whalen says

    Let everyone help and don't complain bout their skills

  120. i need to make a list – and check things off as i do them – it helps me keep going and i feel good when i cross an item off the list

  121. My tip is to microwave your sponges and kitchen dish washing cloths for 2 minutes in between cleaning areas in the kitchen.

  122. A checklist is handy for Spring cleaning since the job can seem overwhelming, but by focusing on a couple of cleaning tasks each day (and checking them off when done), this imposing project will be before you know it.

  123. Susan Stirling says

    I always start with a closet clear-out and trip to a charity. The kids love to donate toys that they have outgrown — it's cute to see them pulling wagons loaded with new loves for other kids — and I am heartless with myself about getting rid of anything I haven't worn in a year. I wash them all, fold they carefully and off they go to look good on someone else. Once the closets are orderly and roomy, it just seems easy to move on to deal with the rest of the room. Hardest for me is to get rid of books in my bulging bookshelves, but again, if it's going to charity, seems right!

  124. one room at a time start with the bathroom!

  125. Nicole Jubleew says

    Set out 3 boxes when you clean. One for items that need to go to another room, One for items to be donated, and finally one for items to go in the garbage.

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