Coffee Oatmeal Banana Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

About a year ago I started making myself have breakfast every day. For some people, this may sound silly “MAKING”. But it really was not an easy task.  I realized I was not feeling all that well and a big part was my eating habits. After a few days of eating breakfast more regularly, it was obvious how much it was helping. My go-to for breakfast most days is a smoothie. These are super easy to make and can often be made ahead of time and frozen. Great for busy parents who need something quick to grab in the morning.

This recipe below is great for smoothie and coffee lovers alike. Check it out! 


Yields: 2 Servings

Total Time: 5 minutes


1 cup strong coffee, frozen into cubes (6 cubes)

1 banana

1 cup almond milk (can substitute for regular milk if desired)

¼ cup old fashioned oats

1 tablespoon cocoa powder

1 tablespoon almond butter

1 tablespoon honey


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Are you a coffee fan? What is your go-to for breakfast?


  1. I tend to make a baked omelette on Sunday that makes 6 servings of breakfast. That way I can heat it up for 1 min and have a healthy, veggie and protein packed breakfast, without any time during the busy weekday mornings 🙂 If I don’t eat breakfast I am not a nice person to be around!

  2. This is the best smoothie ever! You have combined every single breakfast item that I love into one drink. Om nom nom.

  3. Coffee? Oatmeal? Banana? I’m SOLD! This looks GREAT! I normally only drink coffee (I know – so bad) but I bet this could start my day off better! Thanks!

  4. That is one amazing smoothie. That’s a complete breakfast in one glass, and I even get my caffeine! I need my jet fuel in a glass to get anything done!

  5. natalielovesbeauty says

    Breakfast is a must for me, if not I can barely function! I love oatmeal in the colder months and will have to try this smoothie version!

  6. jmanandmillerbug says

    This looks like a great breakfast. I love coffee, I love oatmeal and I love bananas so the mix together is heaven.

  7. I don’t drink coffee. But my friend who does would love this.

  8. I am not a huge coffee drinker, but this looks like it would be good. I would give coffee another shot to try this bad boy out!

  9. This looks as though it would make a wonderful breakfast smoothie! I love that it combines coffee with yummy breakfast foods. All in one shot.

  10. Oh YUM! Coffee, oatmeal and Banana! Sounds so delicious. I am going to have to give this a try.

  11. This sounds so delicious. I enjoy oatmeal, coffee and bananas. This combination sounds like I will love trying this!

  12. This sounds really good. I love a great smoothie. I haven’t had one in a while, but I’ll have to give this one a try.

  13. Ok, this looks and sounds awesome! I need to make some of them coffee cubes!

  14. I love coffee, and I like a lot of cream and sugar, so this sounds like a recipe I would enjoy. I’ll have to make this for breakfast sometime.

  15. This sounds delicious! I will have to make this for myself in the mornings!

  16. I’m loving the idea of a breakfast smoothie that has a coffee flavor included. I think smoothies make the best breakfast on-the-go.

  17. Lisa Bristol says

    This smoothie sounds so delicious. I love to start my day with a smoothie. I love that this recipe has coffee i it. I am excited to give it a try.

  18. You had me at coffee! I love a good breakfast smoothie, and I’m always looking for new ones to try! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I am always looking for new smoothies to try. This one looks like it would seriously hit the spot!

  20. Jenn Mitchell says

    Mornings are so busy around here that sometimes I forget to eat breakfast. This would be the easy solution to that and have me energized.

  21. I love the idea of adding oats to a smoothie. It would add a lot of healthy fiber and protein.

  22. I love smoothies for breakfast! Adding in the oats is great and helps to keep you full. Great idea!

  23. This looks really delicious! I’d be happy to eat this for breakfast any day!

  24. This would be a recipe my sons would love. They are huge coffee drinkers.

  25. Now this is a smoothie that speaks to me! I do love all smoothies but to include coffee… HECK YEAH!

  26. I love a good breakfast smoothie but have never tried one with coffee in it! Clearly I have been missing out…LOL!!

  27. I am all about smoothies for breakfast since they are so easy! I love banana smoothies the best.

  28. Okay how genius to add coffee to a smoothie! I’m trying this tomorrow morning for breakfast!

  29. I have a coffee smoothie almost every single morning! I never thought to add oatmeal. I usually drink it with protein powder but I bet adding oatmeal would be great. Thanks for sharing. 😀

  30. I love coffee and I love oatmeal, but I’ve never thought of combining the two together. Sounds like an interesting recipe. 🙂

  31. I am crazy about oatmeal and about coffee so I will have to try this smoothie ASAP – it sounds amazing!

  32. How delicious! I need to get back into the habit of making smoothies, especially during the morning when I need an extra pick-me-up.

  33. seekneverland says

    This recipe is right up my alley. I am a coffee addict. My morning breakfast go to is a cappuccino (I have become quite the barista) and toast with avocado and eggs. It’s easily a 20 minute process.

  34. Yum yum yum! I bet this tastes delicious. I love all of these ingredients. I’d try it with some Pero though.

  35. Oh now this sounds good, what a great smoothie to have in the morning! I will have to try it!

  36. Miranda Wood says

    This looks like a good way for me to get some breakfast.

  37. I LOVE smoothies and have one every day so this one sounds awesome. Love the flavour combination.

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