Live life and Resolve your laundry issues

This weekend we had a great time hanging out as a family. My kids always seem to enjoy being outside more and whenever we have a chance to take them out, we do. This weekend we visited a festival then took a walk and enjoyed some family time. Along the way we discovered a huge gravel hill that was so dusty my nose is still dry! I am unsure what it is about hills, but when my kids see them, they must climb them. They are like goats and need to get to the highest point. It is actually quite funny to watch as they race up and slide down. One thing I have learned over the years is you cannot have fun without getting a little dirty.


Little one slid down on her bum dragging her legs all the way. This was shortly after crawling around in the grass and climbing a tree. She was covered from her legs to her back in dirt. She even scraped up her legs a bit but the entire time had a big smile on her face. When we got home I looked at her brand new school shorts. The plaid white and pink was now grey and brown. This was the perfect opportunity for me to try out Resolve® Gold In-Wash Stain Remover gel (also available as a powder).

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I have used Resolve® before but always on whites. I was excited to see how it would clean up the shorts since they were both white and had bright colours. Resolve® Gold In-Wash laundry stain remover gel super-boosted formula that provides amazing stain removal in just 30 seconds!



Resolve® Gold In-Wash laundry stain remover gel

The super-boosted formula is the best from Resolve®. For maximum speed and power, pre-treat or soak to see results in 30 seconds. Remove stains such as blueberry, coffee, grape juice, makeup, tea, vegetable oil, wine, and much more. You can go to their Tip Exchange page for more ideas on removing stains (or to share your own tips as well!). With my daughters shorts I pre-treated with a little bit of the Resolve® stain remover gel on dirt stain. This was a few hours after she got them dirty. I scrubbed by hand for 30 seconds then tossed them in the washer with a lid full of the gel. I could see right away they were cleaning up her shorts. Dirty shorts


A little Resolve® gel on the shorts.


A little goes along way as you can see.


After washing in cold water as I always do with colours and drying this is the results. I am certain they would have been stained had I not treated ahead of time. clean-shorts

All about the tips

No matter what your stain ordeal is you will find tips to help you Resolve® your laundry issues (here is the link again!). Click on the stain you have and the material it is on to see results. Blueberry, red wine, grass, blood, and coffee stains and more do not need to be permanent. Pick a stain to find tips, then get back to having fun! pick-a-stain

Share your tip to win

Share your stain removal tip and you could win* a $5,000 shopping spree! Plus, weekly prizes valued at $250! You can purchase your own Resolve® Gold In-Wash Laundry Stain Remover at major retailers like Walmart and Loblaws.


  1. I pretreat the stain with Resolve before laundering.

  2. For those times when you don't have access to Resolve, club soda comes in handy. Used straight from the bottle, club soda is a great emergency spot cleaner and stain remover- Just pour some in a smaller container to keep on hand in your handbag/purse


  3. I presoak all clothing that has stains with my Resolve. That gets rid of all stains, grass, ketchup, mustard and any type of stain that might be on the clothing!!!

  4. Lisa Brown says

    Club soda is a great emergency spot cleaner and stain remover.

  5. I still need to try Resolve! I've heard nothing but good things about it!
    My recent post 3 New Children’s Classics from Harper Collins #Giveaway

  6. Margaret Smith says

    I pretreat stains as they occur. I also soak our laundry for a little while before every wash.

  7. I love the Resolve Gold In-Wash stain remover gel, it works on any kind of stain.

  8. I’m a firm believer in pre-treating stains. I will be looking for Resolve Gold in my stores!

  9. I always pretreat my stains with a little baking soda and vinegar. I’ve never thought about using Resolve before. I’ll definitely have to give it a try. Looks easier than the method I use.

  10. I have not tried this brand before, looks like it works awesome! I am going to have to look into adding it to my laundry room!

  11. I have to admit I’ve not tried resolve before, however I’m forever tackling stains so I will have to give it a try. x

  12. Resolve has been around for a long time! I believe it is my Mom’s favorite stain treatment.

  13. This is a tried and true brand. Love REsolve!

  14. I love products like this one that make laundry easier to do. I feel like I’m always doing laundry.

  15. Anything that would make life easier instantly captures my interest. Resolve does do the job! Thanks for the review. I’ll be including this in my grocery list this week.

  16. Resolve sounds tough on stains. I haven’t tried this, but I will after reading this post.

  17. With three kids resolve could come in handy!!

  18. Not letting stains set is a huge help for me. I need to try Resolve to help save my clothes!

  19. Resolve does do a fantastic job. Especially for my hubbys work clothes. Really unbelievable how dirty they get.

  20. A great stain lifter is a must with little ones! It’s definitely the only way to keep them looking fresh and clean!

  21. with a teenage boy in the house, I have plenty of laundry issues. I am horrible at pretreating. I usually don’t look at it til it comes out of the dryer and then it’s too late!

  22. I haven’t tried Resolve, but think I need to pick some up. So much of our laundry has permanently set stains now that it can be embarrassing to be seen in public.

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