Happier & Healthier Legs

Summer is officially here and with the warmer weather I am breaking out my shorts, capris and skirts. I cannot wait to go for walks with the kids and enjoy this beautiful weather!

I use to be embarrassed about my legs and would seldom show them off. I disliked my varicose veins and avoided anything that would not cover them up. Plus, if I was on my feet too long, I would regret it come bedtime.

My leg health was never really anything I thought of growing up. It wasn’t until shortly after I had my first baby that I started paying attention to my legs and how they felt. I was a young mom but my legs ached. It seemed if I was to stand or sit for too long, my legs would feel strange, often have poor circulation, and ache. Then I started to notice some veins that were a bit darker on my legs.

Remembering as a child my mom had dark veins on her legs, I called her to talk about it. She told me it is part of being a mom and there was nothing I could really do about it. Since the discomfort never lasted long, I just ignored it for a few years. Then I had my boys and noticed more veins and more aches in my legs. Luckily around this time I saw a commercial on television for Antistax® and asked my pharmacist about it. Unlike what my mom had told me years earlier, she informed me that there was a lot I could do about my varicose veins and that my symptoms sounded like chronic venous insufficiency or CVI. I knew it was time to stop ignoring what my legs were telling me. I started taking Antistax® daily to help with my heavy, tired legs.[i]

[i] Antistax™. Product Licence 2014.


Antistax® is a natural health product containing the active ingredient Red Vine Leaf Extract.[i], [ii] Located in the Natural Health section of your local pharmacy, Antistax® is the #1 pharmacist recommended brand in Canada for the relief of CVI symptoms.[iii] It is clinically proven and used in herbal medicine to help improve lower leg blood flow, reduce swelling and relieve the pain, heaviness and tiredness associated with CVI. [iv], [v]

CVI impacts both the look and feel of your legs. If you wait too long to do something about the symptoms, the pain and discomfort associated with CVI could also keep you from performing daily tasks and engaging in social activities.[vi]

For optimal results, it’s recommended to take one tablet of Antistax® a day for a minimum of 6 weeks.[vii] It’s available in 360 mg tablets, in packs of 30 (approx. $21.99) and 60 (approx. $39.99).

To be sure Antistax® is right for you, always read and follow the label.

In just a few weeks I felt that my legs were no longer aching like before and the daily swelling was down. I could not wait to tell my mom that she too could do something about her leg issues and pains. She did not have to ‘just live with it’ like she had told me. Thanks to Antistax®, I now no longer shy away from wearing shorts and skirts in the warmer weather. I have taken a few steps to being happier and healthier that include being more active, eating right and taking my Antistax® daily.

Like my mom, many Canadian women suffer from tired, heavy, swollen legs, but unfortunately, they are not doing anything to manage their discomfort.[viii], [ix] Recent research shows that nearly a quarter of Canadians 18+ suffer from these symptoms.[x] While some say they don’t know enough about available treatments, others have gotten so used to their symptoms that they simply ignore them.[xi] The best thing to do is talk to your medical professional and look into what your symptoms can be pointing to.

Now I am looking forward to the warmer days and being able to walk on the beach with my children without worrying about my achy legs and veins. It is time to not let something like CVI hold us back!

Visit Antistax.ca and register to the Antistax Leg Health Program for your 6-week trial and $50* in savings & exclusive benefits.

To make sure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label. If symptoms persist or worsen, or for use of the product beyond 12 weeks, consult your health care professional. Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Antistax® is not indicated for the removal of visible varicose veins.

*Offers may vary. This 6-week trial will be mailed in the form of a $29.97 cheque redeemable on a 60-count pack.

Disclosure-This post has been brought to you by Antistax. As always, all opinions are my own.



[1] Antistax™. Product Licence 2014.

[1] Antistax™. Product Licence 2014.

[1] Kiesewetter, H. Efficacy of orally administered extract of red vine leaf AS 195 (folia vitis viniferae) in chronic venous insufficiency (stages I-II), randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Drug Research, 50(I), Nr 2 (2000).

[1] EnsembleIQ Healthcare Group. 2018 #1 Pharmacist and Physician Recommended OTC Brand Guidelines.

[1] Antistax™. Product Licence 2014.

[1] Kiesewetter, H. Efficacy of orally administered extract of red vine leaf AS 195 (folia vitis viniferae) in chronic venous insufficiency (stages I-II), randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Drug Research, 50(I), Nr 2 (2000).

[1] Fiodorenko-Dumas, Z. et al. Lower limb oedema in vascular disease. Progress in Health Sciences, 2(1):95-100. http://progress.umb.edu.pl/sites/progress.umb.edu.pl/files/95-100%20Fiodorenko-Dumas.pdf. Last accessed March 30, 2017.

[1] Kiesewetter, H. Efficacy of orally administered extract of red vine leaf AS 195 (folia vitis viniferae) in chronic venous insufficiency (stages I-II), randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Drug Research, 50(I), Nr 2 (2000).

[1] Ipsos. Understanding Canadians Dealing with Chronic Venous Insufficiency, December 2017.

[1] Ipsos. Understanding Canadians Dealing with Chronic Venous Insufficiency, December 2017.

[1] Ipsos. Understanding Canadians Dealing with Chronic Venous Insufficiency, December 2017.

[1] Ipsos. Understanding Canadians Dealing with Chronic Venous Insufficiency, December 2017.


  1. I’m so glad you found something that helps! It’s terrible to have things like this that keep you from enjoying your life the way that you want to- hurray for summer & the freedom to get out & wear shorts & enjoy it!

  2. I need this in my life! I had no idea there was a product like Antistax out there. Thank you for sharing, I’m off to sign up for a free trial.

  3. I have not heard of OTC items for this! Thank you as I will need to look at this more closely.

  4. I need to share this with my mom. She has this issue, and I think it could really help her.

  5. robin rue says

    My mom had the WORST varicose veins. I am not kidding, one of her legs was completely purple. This sounds like a huge help!

  6. I’m happy to hear there is a solution for that! I have some varicose veins and I don’t like showing my legs either. Something to look into.

  7. I’m glad Antistax can help so much with varicose veins. They’re definitely a common problem so it’s good to have an easy way to improve blood flow.

  8. Allison Cooper says

    Wow! This sounds like such a miracle product to have handy, especially when it’s a common problem for so many women!

  9. I love summer too but like you, being on my feet for too long is painful for me! I think it’s all those years of wearing stilettos when I was younger and silly lol. I’d definitely check this product out.

  10. Such awesome info. I hadn’t heard of this!! Thank you

  11. Erica Schwarz says

    Glad you found a product to help you! Achy legs are terrible to deal with.

  12. Sounds like a really great product and if its helping you that is wonderful. I am forever battling sore legs anymore, and am always looking for things to help!

  13. This is a great product for those that sit for long periods of time. I need to look for it at my local CVS.

  14. I am super duper interested in this product, Kim. It can be sooo painful.

  15. I have never heard of this product, but I have been discussing the veins in my legs a lot lately. I feel like they are just itching to pop out of my skin.

  16. Dogvills says

    I occasionally have swelling in my legs and it gets to be so uncomfortable. I will ask my doctor if I could take Antistax. I am taking other medications for a myriad of illnesses so I have to be sure there will be no drug interaction. AntiStax is a blessing to many!

  17. I need to share this with a friend! She suffers from that! I think it could help her. Thank you for sharing it!

  18. Reesa Lewandowski says

    Oh I never heard of this product! Sounds like it is a lifesaver with anyone suffering!

  19. I’m glad you found something to provide relief. I’ve never heard of Antistax but glad it helps.

  20. I noticed that I had a couple of varicose veins showing up and sometimes I suffer from tired feet. I’m glad there is a solution to this!

  21. I was just discussing my legs with my husband. I hope this will work as well for my legs as it has yours.

  22. CourtneyLynne says

    Ooooo now this sounds like one great product!!! I’m all about things that are natural!

  23. I don’t have varicose veins or swelling in my legs, but after a long day of cooking or cleaning my legs sure do ache I wonder if this would help?

  24. thanks so much for sharing I believe it will help so many

  25. Linda Corbin says

    Where do we get this

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