10 Tips to Help You Stay Safe When Traveling Solo #TTOT #Travel

I often find myself traveling for the blog in cities I have never been before. Nobody wants to hang out in the hotel room all day so I will often go for a walk and check out the local attractions. Sometimes it is worrisome but most times it is amazing and the adventures one can have in a new place are endless. I thought sharing tips on keeping safe when traveling solo would be great. Hopefully you enjoy them.

staying safe when traveling solo

10 Tips to Help You Stay Safe When Traveling Solo

  1. Make Copies

You have heard that it’s important to make a copy of all your important documents. Think passport, driver’s license, visa, credit cards, all of the things that would need to be replaced rather quickly if they went missing. Carry one copy with you, and leave another set with someone at home who you can easily reach should you need them. One other suggestion is to scan a copy of everything and email it to yourself. This way you’ll always have an electronic backup should you need to send it to authorities or print multiple copies.

  1. Know some of the local language

While being fluent in the language of the place you are traveling is helpful this typically isn’t the case. Do study some of the language so that you can get by should you not find someone that speaks your language. A phrasebook and small notepad are great tools to shrink the communication gap.

  1. Stay Alert

When you’re traveling alone you are the only one on the lookout. While you want to relax and enjoy yourself, you also need to be very vigilant and conscious of what is happening around you at all times. Take precautions with your belongings. Don’t carry large amounts of money, wear expensive jewelry, or engage in other ways that might make you a target. If you feel uncomfortable you should immediately take action by leaving the situation or making it appear you aren’t alone.

  1. Go Easy on the Alcohol

This tip goes hand in hand with the third tip. Solo travel is not the time to go out partying. You need to keep your wits and be careful who you trust. A fun situation could go downhill very quickly leaving you in a dangerous situation. A glass of wine with dinner may not hurt but know your limits.

  1. Do Your Research

Before embarking on your solo travel adventure spend time researching the places that you plan to be. Get a basic understanding of the culture and what is or is not acceptable. Learn a little about how to dress and act when you are visiting. It’s also worth spending some time to learn which neighborhoods aren’t the best to wander in alone. When you arrive at your destination follow-up with locals, staff at your hotel can be a great resource, to confirm or deny what you discovered in your research.

  1. Trust your Instincts

The best tool a solo traveler has to keep safe is their instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, chances are it’s not right. Always trust your gut and err on the side of caution if you’re unsure. This isn’t to say you can’t be spontaneous or take a chance but do it carefully.

  1. Be Confident

If you are pulling out a map every two minutes, appear uncomfortable, or look lost you will make very easy prey for someone looking to take advantage of a lone tourist. Instead walk with your head up and be confident, even if you really are unsure. If you look like you belong, you will be less of a target.

  1. Don’t Go Off the Grid Completely

Some travelers love to get away and completely disconnect from life at home. This is fine – to an extent. You should always let someone (or more than one person) know your tentative travel plans. Where will you be? How long will you be staying there? Are you taking any side trips? While it may seem inconvenient it could really make a difference if something were to go wrong. Plan a daily or regular check-in with someone at home and also a contingency plan if they don’t hear from you within a specific amount of time.

  1. Know When to Buddy Up

While most travel activities can be done alone there are some things that should always be done with at least one partner. If you plan to hike in more remote areas or visit rural outposts, having someone along is always advisable. There are many destinations that require you to go with a guide. It’s important to research potential locations like this and heed the advice and warnings.

  1. Enjoy Yourself!

Solo travel can be immensely rewarding and life altering. It also can be scary. Embrace the good with the bad and remember the reason you wanted to travel in the first place. Don’t spend all of your time worrying about the details and give yourself room to live in the moment. You’ll be glad you did when you’re back home retelling your amazing solo adventure stories!

Do you have any tips to add?


  1. lyndac1968 says

    All awesome tips, I've watched a few shows where a solo traveler didn't fare so good, I don't think I would be to travel by myself at all, I have way to much anxiety, I would be a big target..lol

  2. Catherine S says

    These are great tips. I have done a single night trip on my own and that is it. I would be nervous to a longer trip on my own.

  3. Great tips to follow not only when you're traveling alone, but also with others. Being alert is a major point – looking like you know where you are and what you're doing means a lot.
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  4. I traveled alone for the first time this past summer and felt it was a great experience. I feel keeping in close contact with friends and family is always a good idea.
    My recent post Our Super Cool #SummerOfMarvel

  5. Great tips! Traveling alone can be scary but as long as you have done your research and taken the proper steps, it's worth it!

  6. Thanks for sharing these. I travel a lot, but it's usually with a group. I just don't like traveling by my lonesome.
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  7. I've actually never traveled alone. It's not that I don't want to, or that I'm afraid to. I just never had. Between family vacations and blog conferences, I've pretty much always been around people I know.
    My recent post Off to College? Discover Your Personal Style.

  8. Great tips. Traveling alone can be scary but it doesn't have to be!

  9. Robin Masshole Mommy says

    I am totally a scaredy cat, but my sister travels the world. Alone. I am always really envious of her.

  10. These are great tips. I've always wanted to travel alone.

  11. I do this a lot so this is helpful. I definitely need to take precautions before big trips.

  12. I travel alone often. These are great tips and things to consider when doing so!
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  13. I don't travel as much as I would like to. I do need to remember these tips when I do though.
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  14. laura gregory says

    Thank you for these tips. I do a lot of travel and try to be as safe as possible.

  15. My niece spent a month in Europe by herself. Although I admit it made me nervous, I was so grateful she was able to experience that independence.

  16. It sounds so exciting to take off and be completely free to go where you'd like. These are great tips to keep in mind while exploring.

  17. Thanks for the tips, I don't travel solo often but when I do these will definitely come in handy. Bookmarking this post.

  18. I usually go on small trips with my family, but I have been planning to go on a big solo adventure to visit Paul Walker's grave in California. These are some great tips!
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  19. These are great trips. I want to start traveling and look forward to solo travel.

  20. These are great tips for anyone traveling alone! I will have to keep these in mind if I ever travel alone again.

  21. I have always been nervous of traveling alone. These are great tips. I will have to give it a try. There are so many places i want to go.

  22. I get nervous just driving around town by myself. These are great tips to keep in mind
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  23. I travel solo quite often. It's a ton of fun, but you do have to be careful. It's just common sense.
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